Chapter 44

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I'm thinking of ending this book soon, I need your opinions though, do you want me to make another book or nah? Anyways, on another note I have a new story out. It's called That Voice and it's about Joel Madden who's from the band Good Charlotte. I'm proud of it so far so maybe go read it? Thanks. Byeeeee

Blair's POV

"So it's final?" I asked Xander, who just got off the phone with our dad.

"Ya, moms not allowed to see us without dads permission, and their divorce is final next week." He smiled at me as I rubbed my 9 month pregnant stomach, it was a weekend so we didn't have school and we were hanging out at The Shop in the back while Owen and Conrad worked in the front. "We're safe BeaBear." I nodded as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing just stomach pains." I answered.

"How often?" He asked me. I shook my head trying to push away the pain. "Blair how often?"

"Every 10 minutes?" He stood up and helped me up.

"I'm not a doctor but I think you're in labor Blair." I shook my head.

"I'm not due for another 2 weeks." He held my hand as we walked through the door.

"Owen, Conrad." Xander called making both boys come running. "I believe Blair is in labor." Owen looked freaked out but helped guide me to the car and sat in the backseat with me.

It took Conrad a little longer to run out of the store but got into the car 30ish seconds later.

We got to the hospital 20 minutes later due to traffic and I really believe that I actually am in labor now. The contractions were happening 5 minutes apart now and the pain was unbearable. Seems like my baby didn't want to wait to see the world. She/he was coming fast and I could barley walk into the hospital that's how bad it was.

"I'm having my baby now." I told the secretary, trying not to scream from the pain.

"Of course." She got me a wheelchair and wheeled me into an empty delivery room. A nurse came into the room and helped me get changed into a gown.

"Okay Blair, you're 8 centimeters dilated, you should be ready to push in the next 30 minutes." The nurse told me and left the room with a smile.

"For fucks sakes I hate this." I groaned, feeling the needles that they had poked into my skin.

"It'll all be soon baby." Owen said and kissed my forehead.
"One more push Blair!" My doctor screamed. I pushed once more and heard the cry of my baby. "It's a boy!" A baby boy, my baby boy

They wrapped him in a blue blanket and put him on my chest for a second before taking him away tto be cleaned off and weighed and stuff.

"You did it baby." Owen whispered as our child was brought back in, wrapped securely in a blue blanket.

"Hey Joey." I whispered, grabbing him from the nurse. "I'm your mommy."

"And I'm your dad." Owen sat beside me on the hospital bed and kissed my forehead. "We're a fucked up family, just saying." He said with a chuckle.

"But we're together, who cares if we're fucked up." I kissed his lips and handed Owen his son.

Just because Owen's not Joey's father by blood, doesn't mean that he's not going to be a good father. I can see that just by the way he's holding Joey now.

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