Chapter 3

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I want to thank you guys for all the nice comments you guys give me on my stories, so please keep commenting and voting, it means so much. I started these for fun and to see that people love them so much is amazing. I love you guys truly <3


"Where were you last night?!" Xander screamed as soon as he saw me.

"I went to Caroline's, calm your shit." I muttered, hooking my skateboard up to my bag. He rolled his eyes at me and walked away with Monica and Clarabelle. "I hate him so fucking much." I growled to Caroline. She laughed and grabbed my hand, guiding me to our classroom.

"Nice of you both to join us." Mr.Popke scowled. I rolled my eyes and sat in my desk, which was beside Ashton. I put my bag on the ground and got my drawing book, putting it on my desk and taking out my pencil out of my desk.

"Hey." Ashton whispered. I looked up, shocked and smiled a little bit.

"Hi." I whispered back. He grabbed a piece of paper and wrote something down quickly, folding it in his lap while looking at Mr.Popke so he didn't get in trouble. He passed it to me under the desk and I took it, unfolding it slowly. I read it and resisted the urge to freak out.

Hey Blair, wanna hang 2morrow?

I grabbed my pencil and wrote a reply, handing it back to him. Ya, why not?

He smirked at my reply and shoved the paper in his pocket. I opened my drawing book and started sketching Xander again. He wanted me to draw him since apparently I had the art talent. Gerard taught me how to draw sort of, he taught me the basics and I just left and started drawing by myself, which I liked more, and I kept my talent hidden, but Xander found out and asked me to draw him.

"Miss Iero." After almost a year of being in his class he still gets my name wrong, always pronouncing it like year-o. Xander and I both get extremely pissed when people do this.

"It's Iero, pronounced I-year-o." I said, looking up from my drawing, and closing the cover.

"Ya ya, whatever, can you tell me the answer to this problem." I looked up on the board and tried to figure out what it was saying but the words got mixed up in my brain and I got a huge headache. I held my head and laid my head on my desk.

"She can't figure it out, call on someone else." My brother said from the other end of the room.

"Xander, vieni qui." (Xander, come here) I spoke in Italian to my brother who knew what I said and kneeled by my side.

"What language is that?" A girl asked.

"It's Italian, we've been over this a lot this year." Xander sighed, looking at me. "Can we go out for a sec?"

"Fine, be back in 5 minutes." Mr.Popke growled. I stood up and held my head, feeling more dizzy as I stood up. Xander grabbed me before I could fall and lead me out of the classroom, letting me sit on the floor, leaning against the wall.

"Lo odio, è un cazzo." (I hate him, he's a dick.) I mumbled, looking at him and crossing my arms. I felt better now that I wasn't staring into his cold dark eyes. Xander just laughed. As much as I hate him, I can count on him to be there for me when I need him. I got up and sighed. "Non voglio tornare dentro." (I don't wanna go back inside.)

"I know you don't, but it's only for a couple more days, then we never have to come back." I groaned. "By the way, the answer is 7." He whispered in my ear, pushing me back into the classroom and going to sit down at his desk. I sat down, staring at my brother who laughed at me and stuck his tongue out. I pouted and looked at Mr.Popke, who looked at me with his famous glare that I know so well of.

"So, Miss Iero." Still pronouncing my last wrong. "What is the answer to this problem?"


"That's correct." He sounded shocked while I took a sigh of relief and sank down in my chair.


I went with Caroline out for lunch since we had an hour and we could go to The Shop and Starbucks and make it back in time for the bell to ring. I put Dan on the ground and put my foot on him, pushing off with my other foot. We decided to go to Starbucks first so we didn't have to wait in the long line after we got back from The Shop. I got my usual and so did Caroline as we got up to the front and ordered. We left Starbucks after paying and getting our drinks and skated over to The Shop that was just down the road from Starbucks. I ran in first and smiled at the familiar sight. I walked right into the band part of the store and looked at the different bracelets since I obviously didn't have enough. I found a BryanStars bracelet that I've never seen before and grabbed it, looking at it. Ya sure, my mom was friends with the guy but I was never allowed to talk to him or go near them when they were doing a interview, so I never actually got to have a shirt or bracelet of him.I looked through the shirts and found a blue shirt that I never saw here before, with BryanStars Interviews on the front and his microphone beside the words, like usual. I grabbed it and ran to the register where a very cute boy stood, he looked like an older version of that Owen kid.

"Will that be all?" He asked, sounding bored, until he looked up when Caroline was behind me.

"Ya." I said, getting my money out.

"We just got these in stock." He smiled, looking at the shirt and bracelets in my hands.

"Really, that's probably why I never saw them before." I muttered mostly to myself. Caroline put her things beside mine and pulled out the amount of money her's added up to be, adding it to the money in my hands. I handed it to the boy and he handed me the change. The back door opened and out came Owen.

"Hey Con..." He stopped, looking at me in shock. "Hey Blair."

"You know them?" The other guy asked.

"Not really no, they came into the shop yesterday when you were in the back and made me watch the counter." Owen said, smiling at me. I smiled back and put the shirt into my bag, sliding the bracelets on the wrist that barely had any bracelets, now my wrists were completely covered. Caroline grabbed her things and looked at the older boy.

"I'm Caroline." She said.

"I'm Conrad." They shook hands and I looked at my phone for the time.

"Carebear we gotta get back to school, we have 5 minutes left." She swore under her breath and unhooked Phil from her bag.

"Can we come back after school, please please please." She sighed and nodded.

"Let's go before we get in trouble with head buzzkill." I nodded and unhooked Dan from my bag, waving to Conrad and Owen, and running out the door, putting Dan on the ground and jumping on him, pushing off the ground to move. We went back to school and made it inside just before the bell rang. We got into class before Mr.Popke which was amazing for me but then I realized it was time for French. I speak Italian, not French, I don't need French. I didn't pay attention to the French teacher, why should I? I'm never going to speak French. I got in trouble for it, like normal, only a couple more days and I'm out, and onto high school, which is even harder. I hate school, I can't wait until I'm out.

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