Chapter 46

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Blair's POV

"Fine I'll ask them." I heard dad say into the phone. "Andrea wants to come to your graduation." I scoffed, holding Joey tighter as he napped.

"Like I'll let her near us after what she did to Xander." I stated.

"She said she just wants to see her only children graduate, she won't go near you."

"Fine but she can't come near Blair, Joey or myself." Xander growled.

"You hear that?" Dad questioned into the phone. "Goodbye Andrea." He hung up the phone and sat down on the couch with us. "She is pissing me off." I laid my head on his shoulder and rocked Joey back and forth at the same time.

"It'll be okay dad." I whispered to him. "But I need you to watch Joey while I go shop for my dress." I kissed his cheek and grabbed his keys. "I'm taking your car too." Before he could protest I ran off and got into the drivers seat of his car. I got my full drivers earlier this year so I could drive without parental guidance. I picked Caroline up at her house and drove us to the mall.

"So your dad was okay with you going to NYU?" She started a conversation with me.

"Ya, we cried together, how did your dad react?" Caroline, Conrad and Owen were moving to New York with me after graduation.

"He yelled a little bit, then cried, but he's letting me go." She answered as I parked the car in the lot.

"That's really good." I smiled at her. My family was coming with me.
"Okay what about this one?" I came out of the dressing room in one of my favourite dresses that I tried on today. It was black and had sparkles all over the dress front and back. It went down to my knees was strapless and had a big sparkle belt around the waist.
(Dress to the side ->)

"It's perfect BeaBear." Caroline smiled at me. "And I have the perfect pair of shoes for you to wear." She held up a pair of bright blue high heels.

"Carebear." I shook my head. "I'll break my face and embarrass myself in front of the whole school."

"Don't doubt yourself, you're getting these too." I groaned, not wanting to argue with her. I changed back into my clothes and held the dress close to me.

"That means I'm dying my hair blue for graduation, they can't stop me." She smirked at me and nodded.

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