Chapter 17

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A little change in who's telling the story. I promise this will get more interesting. Please keep reading. Comment what you think so far and how I can improve, vote as well. Picture is what I imagine Owen to look like ---------------------->

I love you <3

Owen's POV (YAY)

I needed to talk to her, so I just went for it. She followed me into the back room and sat on the couch with me.

"What did you want to talk about?" She asked. In answer I pulled up my sleeves and moved my bracelets up revealing the harsh red lines I've been trying so hard to forget about.

"Owen." She gasped, locking her eyes with mine.

"I know what your going through...well some of it anyways." I told her.

"Why did you?"

"My dad." I answered. "He left when I was a baby, but recently came back. My mom has always loved him so she let him back without asking Conrad or I. And when she's gone he hits me, kicks me down, calls me names." She was listening intently. "And Conrad can't help me because he's being treated the same only worse so he can't get up to help me or call for help." I sighed and moved my newly dyed brown hair away from my forhead revealing the cut I knew was there. "That's from one of his rings." I sighed again and let my bangs fall back in my face. "We aren't that different." She gulped and grabbed my hand just as I was about to roll my sleeve down. She bent her head and kissed my scars making me gulp and smile.

"You're right Owen." She whispered. "We aren't that different." She looked into my eyes and I didn't want to look away. "Your eyes are brown." She stated. "I never knew that."

"Hey Blair." Conrad greeted Blair making us both jump and turn away from each other. Me blushing like crazy. Conrad laughed at me and ruffled my hair making me groan and swat his hands away. "You look better with brown hair, you look more like your older brother."

"Not why I dyed my hair back to brown." I sighed, fixing my hair so it was normal again.

"Whatever." Conrad rolled his eyes and laid down on the other couch. "So what are we doing tonight?

"I don't know what do you wanna to do Blair?" Caroline asked making Blair lift her head. She shrugged and looked back down at her hands. "Ugh you're so boring."

"Says you." Blair shot back.

"You're a bitch."










"What the fuck does Slore mean?!"

"A slut and a whore."

"We've already said those!"

"But not together."

Conrad and I watched with smiles. These two are hilarious when they're together.

"Will you 2 shut up?" Conrad asked making both girls turn to him.

"NO!" That's creepy.

"Don't do that." I stated.

"Do what?" They said in sync.


"Fine." They sighed.

"Stop." So they stopped talking all together. "You can talk just not together."

"You said stop so we stopped." Caroline started.

"You have specify when you talk to us." Blair finished.

I rolled my eyes and leaned back.

"You 2 are annoying."

"Says the annoying one." Blair smirked.

"You're annoying." I shot back.

"Oh god please don't start." Conrad groaned.

"SHUT UP!" Blair, Caroline and I all screamed at the same time.

"UGH!" And that's how the rest of our night went. All 4 us just going back and forth at each other, and it was pretty funny at the ending. I ended up in a headlock by Conrad, Blair was laughing on the floor and Caroline was video taping the whole thing.

"Hey Blair, my dad wants us home, you wanna stay the night?" Caroline asked, looking up from her phone after we all settled down again.

"Sure." The girls left and I turned to Conrad.

"Do we have to go home tonight?" I asked hopeful he would say no and we could sleep back here. We've done it before.

"No, I don't want to be scared of going home, we have to face him, then when I turn 18, I can get you out of there." I sighed.

"Okay." So we went home. And I got beat down, getting new bruises to explaid and cuts to hide.

I held my blade in my hand and rocked back and forth.

"Don't be weak." I chanted softly. "You're stronger than the blade." Without thinking I threw the blade to the wall and let it clatter to the floor with a small noise. "I'm stronger than this." Tears fell down my face and I eventually ended up crying myself to sleep.

I Never Told You (Sequel to TWIU) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now