Chapter 13 : mysterious land , warm.

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The peaceful night passed quickly, and the sky gradually brightened. Ye Zhou, who had been busy sleeping until midnight, opened his eyes miraculously, turned to look at Ye Huan who was leaning against his arched **** and screaming, his eyes blinked a little confused. Then, soon, it became clear that the corners of the lips could not help but pull a ridicule of self-mockery. For two days, it seemed that I was still not used to crossing things.

I do n’t know if it was the reason why he drank the water in the space. Ye Zhou soon became awake, and seemed to be a little bit excited. Looking at the outside, it was about to dawn. He simply got up and got into the space for a little washing.


The space picture almost didn't scare the silly Ye Zhou. The seeds that were planted last night, both the gold land and the black land have matured. Although the red land is slower, it also has a lot of buds and grows a lot. Ye Zhou slightly opened his mouth and was silly. His eyes widened, and he couldn't return to God for a long time. When he remembered to check, it was almost a few minutes later.

"Golden Land and Black Land seem to grow at the same rate, but ..."

Ye Zhou carefully checked the crops on the three lands. Except for the red land, which is slightly slower, the vegetables on the gold land and the black land are the same, but Ye Zhou's sight fell on several flowering branches of the gold land. He remembered very clearly that there were a total of twenty-five flowering branches. He had planted nine Chinese roses on golden land, but now there are only three left, and six are still missing.

No, correctly, it ’s not that I do n’t know where it is. It should be three branches of the flowering branch, because the remaining three flowering branches on the golden land have three particularly thick branches, and many small branches burst on each branch. There are even buds on the branches.

Seven orchids are planted on the black earth, but now they are not together, they are lush and lush, and there is a tendency to draw arrows.

As for the remaining nine flowering branches of the red earth, Ye Zhou couldn't tell what the flowers were. They only knew that they all survived, but the growth was obviously not as good as that of the golden land and the black earth.

"Haha ... I'm rich!"

After probably knowing the function of a few pieces of land, Ye Zhou smiled with his hands on his hips, not to mention how much he laughed. With this super cheat device, can't he be sad in the future?

However, Ye Zhou returned to Ye Se, Ye Zhou quickly calmed down and moved all the flowers on the red land to the black land. In order to confirm whether the gold land really has the function of integrating the same flower species, Ye Zhou will be black. All the orchids on the land have been transplanted in the past, and wait to see if they will merge together later. If they are really merged, these flowers are all so-called mutant species. Remember that he has seen a report in previous lives. A mutant orchid actually sold for millions of days. The good variety is even enough to match the top-notch Tianyihe and Suguanheding. At that time, it would be difficult for him to make a fortune even if he did not want to get rich. So rich, but there is no shortage of rich people in any era. He believes that as long as it is a good thing, he will definitely encounter a master who knows the goods and is willing to pay.

"Finally, we don't need to clang anymore!"

The rows of tomatoes, green peppers, eggplants, Chinese cabbages, and small greens are all ripe on the golden and black grounds. The tomatoes are red, the green peppers are shiny, the eggplants are large and purple, and the cucumber loofah. Because there is no bracket, all of them are Panyan is on the ground. As long as the thought of selling these things is all money, Ye Zhou's eyes can't help but flash the symbol of money, and Desper's laughter echoes in the space for a long time.

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