Barry and Iris - Pregnant Pt 2

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"Merry Christmas!" Joe called as Barry and Iris walked through the doorway. The whole house was decorated from top to bottom, tinsel sparkling from every wall and the smell of cinnamon wafting through the air.

"Hey Dad," Iris smiled, leaning in for a hug.

"Merry Christmas, baby girl," he replied. "How are you both?"

"Good," said Barry, struggling to act naturally. It took all of his willpower not to just blurt the news out right then and there. Fortunately Cecile came bustling over with Jenna propped on her hip.

"Oh my gosh, you guys would not believe the day I've had," she said. First that pipe in the basement burst again and then the deli ran out of the right kind of turkey and so I had to drive all the way to Coast City. And then Joe got called in for a work emergency so I was here alone with Jenna who refused to let me get anything done and-"

"Babe," Joe chuckled. "They just got here, don't wear them out."

"No no it's okay," Iris laughed. "Cecile, how about I take Jenna for a bit?"

"You're an angel, Iris" Cecile sighed, as Iris scooped Jenna into her own arms. Cecile and Joe hurried off to the kitchen while Barry and Iris made their way into the living room where the others were mingling.

"Westallens!" cheered Cisco, Kamilla sitting by his side. Scattered around the room was Caitlin, Harry, Jesse, Allegra, and Chester, all sipping various drinks and laughing.

"Hey guys," said Barry, plopping down on the couch across from Cisco and Kamilla. Iris took a seat next to him, Jenna immediately snuggling against her chest as if she were about to fall asleep. The image gave Barry butterflies, seeing his wife in such a maternal position. His heart swelled at the idea of seeing her with their own child. He wanted to shout for the whole world to hear that his wife was pregnant, but they had agreed to take their time. And so they did.

For an hour or so they chatted with their family and friends, sipped eggnog, and laughed until their stomachs ached. Meanwhile snow had started to softly fall outside, the streets glistening as they turned white. Out of the corner of his eye, Barry noticed Joe quietly slip outside. Iris noticed as well and the two exchanged a look, it was time. After passing Jenna over to Kamilla, Barry and Iris made their way outside.

They found Joe sitting on the steps, his back turned. Barry stepped forward but felt Iris stiffen, frozen in that spot. Fear was etched across her face, as if suddenly she was nervous about telling her dad the news. Barry didn't speak, instead he just held out his hand. I've got you, his eyes seemed to stay. Iris' shoulders relaxed a bit as she gratefully took his hand, and the two stepped into Joe's line of sight.

"Hey you two," Joe said, his eyes lighting up. "I just love when the whole street is lit up like this. Join me?" Barry and Iris took a seat next to him, still clinging to one another.

"Dad," Iris began. "There's something we want to talk to you about."

"Is everything alright?" he asked, his brows suddenly furrowed with worry.

"Yeah, yeah we're fine," she stammered. "It's just that we... well I, um-" Her words seemed to get caught in her throat, her nerves taking over.

"Baby girl, whatever it is, you can tell me," Joe said quietly.

Iris paused and turned to look at Barry, tears in her eyes. He'd had no idea she was this nervous, but it was his job to help her through it. Barry quietly brushed the tear from her face and tucked her hair behind her ear, then took her shaking hand in his own. This was her moment.

Iris took a deep breath and turned back to her dad. "I'm pregnant," she said.

Joe at first just had a blank expression, as if he were expecting something awful and was blindsided by this news. Slowly the corners of his mouth started to twitch as he processed his daughter's words.

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