Lita - Date

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"You told me to stop leaving behind crumbs!" Mick bellowed, "So I took care of it. And now you're mad at me for fixing the damn problem?"

Sara just rolled her eyes. "Mick, you let a pack of rats loose, that's not fixing anything."

"The crumbs are gone, aren't they?"

"Yes but now we have rats!"

"Whatever," he grumbled. "I'm getting a beer."

Mick reached for the refrigerator door, but it was suddenly blocked by the flash of a portal snapping open. Out stepped Lita, backpack slung over her shoulder and headphones around her neck. Ava had given her a time courier so that she could come visit her dad on the Waverider whenever she wanted.

"What's up freaks?" she said with a smile.

"Hi." Mick muttered, still trying to get to the refrigerator.

"Hey Lita," said Sara. "What are you up to today?"

"Oh nothing... just came by to, you know, say hi."

"Perfect, I'm heading to the roller derby," said Mick. "Want to come?"

"Actually... Lita said hesitantly. "I have plans tonight."

"Plans? What kind of plans?"

"Just.... plans..."

"Lita," Sara said slyly.

"Fine. The kind that starts with the letter D and ends with -ate..." Sara watched as Mick processed this information, and when it finally hit him his eyes lit up with rage.

"You what??" He yelled. "You're too young to date. Not until you're in high school."

"Dad I'm 16," she said.

"Well technically you didn't exist until last year so no, no you're not," he spat.

"Well you're the one that screwed with the timeline and brought me here in the first place!"

"Yeah well-"

"OKAY." Sara interrupted. "That's enough. Lita, congratulations, I'm really happy for you." Her smile turned to a scowl as she spun around to face Mick. "She is 16. When you were 16 you were already in juvie for murder, one date won't hurt anyone."

Lita grinned while Mick just let out a grunt in response, returning to his beer. Sara swung her arm around Lita and walked her over to the table.

"So, who's the lucky guy?" She asked.

Lita blushed, "well... her name is Riley." Sara stopped abruptly.

"Alright Lita!" she laughed. "How did you two meet?"

"Well," she began. "I used to like this guy named Josh, and I thought he liked me too. Turns out I was one of three girls he was talking to all at the same time."

"Ugh, boys." Sara grimaced. "So where does Riley come in?"

"Well one of those other two girls transferred to a different school, but the other one..." her eyes lit up as she stopped mid sentence.

"Hell yeah girl!" Sara burst out. "Do you know what you're going to wear?"

"No clue, I only know how to date guys," Lita laughed.

"Trust me, I'm a master of both."

"But don't you have a girlfriend?" Lita asked.

"You're not the only one that plays for both teams," Sara replied, playfully poking Lita in the side. "I'm a freaking all-star." Lita burst out laughing. "Come on," she added, "let's head to the fabricator room and see what we can come up with for you."

My first Legends chapter... what do you think? Let me know if you think I should make a part two for this one.

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