Caitlin and Cisco - Virus

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"A virus?" Barry asked. "And you're telling me it's our fault."

"Well, indirectly, yes," Caitlin explained. "Okay so you know how there have been cases like with Nash, where versions of the same person from different earths have genetically combined? From what I can tell the same thing happened with this virus, multiple strands combined to create Coronavirus on Earth Prime."

"Another effect of Crisis. Great." Cisco sighed.

"So is there a cure?" Iris asked.

"Not yet," Caitlin continued. "This virus is unlike anything most doctors have seen before, however that's because they aren't exactly equipped to deal with the destruction of the multiverse and rebirth of a singular They think it came from a bat, no one but us knows the truth."

"So what you're saying is we're the only ones that can fix this..." Iris added.

"Theoretically yes. I have some thoughts, but nothing promising yet. We'd need knowledge from practically every earth.."

"A multiverse super squad..." Cisco suggested proudly.


"Wait guys.." Barry began. "We can't access other earths anymore, but we do have someone who remembers everything."

"Remembers what?" Nash said as he entered the room.

"Wait Barry's right," said Caitlin. "With every Wells in Nash's brain, we have some of the greatest minds from the entire multiverse. This could work!"

"Woah woah woah," Nash began. "I already have to listen to those guys rambling all day, what do you think you're going to make me do here?"

"You buddy," Cisco said as he placed a hand on Nash's shoulder, "are going to save the world."

"Well I do have another hour before my phone is done updating, and it has been a while since we talked to the dead. Why not?"

"TO THE LAB" Cisco cried.

Coronavirus sucks. That's all. But like...imagine if this was actually how it was created ;)

Comment story suggestions! I need them so badly, my brain is fried.

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