Ralph - Code Words

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"Okay so I've been thinking.." Ralph began. "We need... a secret code."

Everyone immediately rolled their eyes in annoyance, Cisco was the first one to speak up.

"Ralph, buddy... I love you, and I will watch the Imitation Game with you any time... but why on earth would we need a code?"

"Goddamn," Joe piped in, "all the science talk around here we basically already did... except nobody taught it to me."

"Okay just here me out," said Ralph. "How many times has one of us been kidnapped and impersonated by a villain who then learned all our secrets because none of us noticed?"

The team stood around speechless, realizing how common this oddly specific event actually was.

"Eva McCulloch," Iris pointed out.

"Reverb," said Cisco. "And Grodd."

"Don't forget Everyman," Barry added, Caitlin's face turning bright red.

"Wow I was going to go with Wells, kinda seemed like the obvious one, but no worries, moving on." Ralph made his way over to the whiteboard. "Just in case we're ever suspicious of one another and need a way to safely communicate, we should have a code."

"I'm assuming you already have one in mind," Iris laughed

"Ding ding! One point for Miss West Allen! Now, I present to you Dibnese." Ralph turned to face his team, awkwardly awaiting their reaction that never came. "Okay okay here. I'll show you. Now all we have to do is replace some key words with ordinary yet random objects. Barry, give me something in this room."

"Uh, the lab," he answered hesitantly.

"Perfect!" Ralph cried, carefully writing the word on the white board. "Caitlin! What's your favorite fruit?"

"Um... peaches?"

"Excellent!" Ralph said, writing that one down too. "Now we just switch out the two words and we are left with the following sentence... Cisco Ramon loves being inside of a peach-"

"WOOAAAH THERE BUDDY." Cisco cried, grabbing the marker away from Ralph. "How about uh...how about we not use me as an example."

Caitlin was unsuccessfully attempting to hide her smile, while Iris was laughing so hard that Barry was practically holding her up.

"Well fine," Ralph said sarcastically, grabbing another marker. "Iris, what's an important thing we do here?"

"Um.. I guess train?"

"Alright, now Cisco, I need a hobby."

"Pfft, that's for sure," Cisco answered.

"You know that was cold, but I'll move on. Joe, a hobby please."

"Fine... Checkers"

"Perfect," Ralph said, writing down both words. "So in this case we could say, Iris makes Barry play checkers all night long."

Cisco and Caitlin immediately burst out laughing, while Barry turned more red than his suit.

"What is wrong with you all?" Joe asked, blissfully unaware, "You sometimes I swear it's like I-" His eyes widened as he realized what had just happened. "You know, I should probably get back to the station, good luck with this... code." He shuffled out of the room, awkwardly hugging his daughter and avoiding eye contact with Barry.

"So um.. on that note we should probably get to work training." Barry said. "Iris, you want to-" he stopped himself before he could finish that sentence. "Cisco, will you-" Nope that was worse.

"How about we all go try out that training program I set up," Iris laughed, saving him from further embarrassment.

The team made their way to the speed lab, cracking up over what had just happened.

"Don't forget the code!" Ralph called after them. "I like checkers too!"

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