VIII. Something Borrowed

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Mark Masahiro

I think the thing that makes me nervous in dating another man is the sex part. Who would want the excruciating pain it would bring when someone else's dick enters your ass? But now that I have passed this stage, I don't know if I am even planning to stop.

I can blame everything on those drugs that spiked my drink that night as I went opening my legs wide for P Vee and allow him to have that killer and most incredible sex with me.

Yes, it was incredible! Painful at first but tremendously pleasurable when I started to get used to it. How many times have I repeated those scenes inside my head, I cannot count anymore. I didn't know having sex with another man would give me that kind of orgasm. Absolutely mind blowing!

"Masa! Woooii! You are spilling water on your shirt!" I was brought back from my day dreaming when Jane snatched my water bottle away from my mouth.

"Are you a kid or something?" She scolded as she handed me some tissues to wipe myself. Jane and I are on our free time so we came over to watch Pran in his swimming club. He said he'll be participating with the selection of freshies who just joined their club.

"I wonder where P Vee is. He's supposed to be here already." Jane extended her neck to look for that architecture student who was no other than the subject of my day dreaming. P Vee is a member of the swimming club too. And I believe niisama saw him here first.

"Oh there he is! Aaaaaaaah! Can't get enough from looking at that gorgeous body of his." Jane went loco ogling over the topless form of P Vee who gracefully walked around the pool talking to his club mates.

"What's with you drooling over his body Jane? What's so good about it? It's just ok." It's beyond from just ok! He's extremely gorgeous! I have to look away because I'm remembering once again how that body made me feel that night.

After he confessed liking me, I was deeply shaken to the core. When it comes to my feelings for him, I'm not sure about the word love yet. I only know I feel comfortable and  happier when I am with him. That he makes me feel good. And if it's not him, I wouldn't be doing all those lustful things I did with him in bed.

"Huh! Say that to your face  that is not blushing right now, Masa Masahiro! Look at you!"  I cupped my own face that was now heating up. Damn it! Jane will not stop teasing me now. She's pulling my hands away to look clearly to my blushing face. Annoying!

"Oh! Why is P Vee walking towards us? Is he coming to talk to us? Kyaaaah!" Jane and me stopped messing around with each other hearing the first year girls screaming behind us. I turned to look at the half naked man walking indeed towards our direction. But his eyes were not on the freshies. He was only looking at me.

"Hello P Vee. Came to talk to Mas?" Jane greeted him cheerfully. He smiled and greeted her back before sitting unusually close next to me.

I can hear the girls behind us giggling. So as Jane who also tried pushing me closer to P Vee, our shoulders now touching. I was fidgeting from embarrassment as the man beside me sees me blushing. I heard him chuckling softly seeing me acting all shy so I nudged my elbow hard on his side making him hissed in pain.

"What are you doing here? Go away!" I was talking so quietly so the people around us won't hear.

"What? What's wrong with me being here? I wanted to see you." He whispered back.

"You can still see me when you're at the pool."

"Ah! My eyes are suffering from near-sightedness Mas. It always wanted to be near you." I have to roll my eyes to stop myself from cringing. Jane on the other hand snickered beside me. She was listening attentively to our conversation.

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