XXI: Painfully Painful

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Mark Masahiro

I locked my self inside my bathroom as soon as P Axel leave my room saying Pran and Jane would be coming back soon after getting more medical supplies for me. I don't know why they were so worried about me to the extent that they hooked an IV cannula in the left volar side of my wrist saying it would be easier to administer medicines through an IV line and would take effect faster as well as provide me hydration. I pulled out the line from my wrist when P Axel left because it was too much of a bother lifting the IV bottle around.

I admit the pain in my ass was still troubling me but not as much as how I am stressed out by looking at the toilet bowl in the bathroom and pondering as to how I will be doing my regular bowel sessions without screaming in agony. I leaned limply by the sink and just hope that Jane and Pran manage to get me some strong pain relievers.

I was a little relieved though that two of niisama's bestfriends were able to hear the whole truth about me last night.

When P Axel took me home from P Vee's place, he panicked because I was so pale and burning up with fever. He was supposed to send me to the hospital after seeing me bleeding from behind. But I begged him not to and insisted I'm fine. When he was not convinced with my I-am-fine even if I am not lies, I told him that I would call for help to my two medical student friends of mine instead.

But due to a very low level of consciosness I have when Jane and Pran arrived, it was P Axel who told them about everything instead. I remembered from my blurry memory hearing Jane crying upon hearing niisama's death. She even walked out of my room, unable to accept everything all at once as Pran went after her.

It was after an hour when the two of them returned with medical supplies for me. Pran immediately inserted an IV fluids in my vein and administered some pain relievers and antibiotics. Jane on the other hand was sobbing as she helped P Axel clean my body to my utmost embarrasment. I was not able to complain because I was too weak to even speak. My whole body throbs painfully and my fever was making me delirious. P Axel said I kept on repeating the words I'm sorry to Jane and Pran and sometimes mentioning P Vee's name in between my restless sleep.

When I wake up this morning, I found Jane sleeping with her face on her arms leaning against the side of my bed. I was crying like a baby as the guilt from what I had done to them washed over me.

The three of us talked again and I asked for their forgiveness for deceiving them and hiding niisama's death all this time. They told me they were hurt with all the lies I told them but they would try to understand me. After all, the happiness of friendship I shared with them this past few months was far from a lie.

What I am worrying about now in Kana. There has been multiple miscalls from him since last night. I believe his flight back to Japan would be later this afternoon. But since I was not able to communicate with him, I know that he would come barging in anytime soon. I can't let him see me in this pitiable situation. I don't know how he would react. He could kill P Vee if he knows what he did.

"Mark? Hey where is he? He's not in his bed! Mark!" I jump up from hearing Kana's booming voice as he barged inside my room.

"Mark! Are you there?" He was knocking at the door of my bathroom frantically.

"Uhm I'm here alright. What do you want?" I cleared my throat when the voice that came out was a little throaty.

"Damn it are you ok? What are you doing there? Open the door." I heard the door knob being turned as the person outside grew more anxious.

"Ofcourse I am ok. What do you think I am doing here besides taking a dump you moronic asshole." I forced out a laugh in order to lessen Kana's agitation.

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