X. What P Axel Knows

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Vee Vivis

"May I ask why you named your dog Mark, P Vee?"

Masa asked me trying to hold a weird expression on his face. He was driving me back to the university where I have parked my car. Next time, I should plan our date ahead so I can left my car at home and make Masa drive me instead or it could be the other way around.

"Hmmm...You're interested in Mark huh? Were you jealous?" I turned my upper body so I can look at him while he drives. I don't know what's up with him but he has been acting weird since we left the restaurant. Well the dinner wasn't exactly as romantic given an old dog like my brother showed up and ruined it all. Did the bastard said something to Masa to make him act like this?

"Don't think too much. I just wanna know why. Mark is not really a popular name for a dog." He responded darkly. He looked as if he's irritated.

"Are you worrying about the dog or about someone whose name is Mark?" I poke on his cheeks again. It became a hubby of mine lately as his dimples are so irresistable.

"P! Fine! Don't answer it! i don't need to hear it anymore." He retaliated moving his face away.

"You are so cute Mas. Don't sulk already. I will tell you na?" I rubbed my head into his shoulder like I'm some kind of puppy begging for attention.

"P Vee! I'm driving." I looked up at him and see him trying to hold back himself from smiling. His eyes were still infront of him. If he's not driving I could have kiss him in those pretty lips of his already.

"Mark was an old dog of ours. He has been with us since I was 13. He's a gift from my dad. I was the one who named him Mark. Well I got his name from an old childhood friend of mine." I begin telling him Mark's story while still leaning my head on the younger's shoulder. I felt his muscles tightened under my head. He was listening intently so I continued.

"I have been kidnapped when I was a kid Mas. I was with that younger boy named Mark when it happened. I was deeply traumatized that my parents have to move away from our previous house. They send me for treatment and the doctor suggested getting me a pet could help. I don't know why but I insisted to name the dog after that friend. Maybe it's because of the guilt or something. I don't remember much about what happened that day." I closed my eyes as I tried to remember that traumatizing memory. I felt Masa's fingers inserted on my head. He began stroking and rubbing them on my scalp ad hair. It felt so relaxing.

"It's ok P. You don't have to continue if it's that painful." His voice soothing as he continued what he was doing. I think he also slowed down his driving.

"Hmmm. I feel like telling all of it to you." I cooed unto him snuggling my head closer.

"P Axel told me some bits of it when you were gone." He confessed. So my stupid older brother can't shut his mouth huh.

"Ugh. I hate him."

"Hey! He's your brother P!" He scolded. I don't like him taking sides on my brother.

"Well I wanted to tell you everything about me first." He just chuckled and ruffled my hair in response.

"Stop sulking. You can tell me everything from now on, ok?" I looked up at his face. He was smiling so sweetly. Ugh. I really wanted to reach out to kiss his pretty lips.

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