XLI. For Love

918 71 13

Vee Vivis

"Calm down self, calm the fuck down! It's not like it's your first! Calm...the...fuck...down."

I was mainly talking to myself infront of the mirror fumbling unnecessarily to the collar of my shirt. I came down to the hotel's lobby 30 minutes ahead of the agreed time and I can't count how many times I have checked the way I look on every surface that can serve as a mirror.

It feels like I'm having a date for the first time with Mark and the 15 year old boy in me is getting all giddy and excited. It took me a year to rehearse what I would be saying to him after corrosively breaking up with him. The time we have spent the last few days since I came in Sapporo wasn't enough to fully express what I wanted to tell him. So tonight will be my only, and could be the last chance for me to do that.

But first things first. I have to look extremely handsome infront of Mark. I ruffled my hair infront of the mirror and adored how striking I can be regardless of how I styled my hair. I'm sure Mark will be melting when he sees me.

"Are you done glorifying yourself in the mirror you narcissistic piece of lump?"

Much to my dismay, Mark came down with Kana trailing like some leech beyond him, already displaying a nasty grin in his artistic face. His face was bare and no longer wears any kind of concealment to hide his identity. What is he doing down here? Will he be coming with Mark and me on or date? I glanced at Mark and gave him a questioning look about his company. He just gave me a weak smile before Kana could speak again in his behalf.

"I'm going with the both of you. Is there a problem with that?" Kana told me in an intimidating tone. He looked like he was enjoying himself seeing me getting more and more annoyed with every passing minute he stays in front of me.

"Are you Mark's lackey or something?" I asked him holding no sense of discretion. But Kana only chuckled and seemed to be pleased even more.

"Stop annoying him Kana." Mark told off his friend before turning to me. "Don't mind him P. He's just gonna get some beer and pick up some food take-outs from the same restaurant we are going. The three of them decided to stay on the hotel instead because Jane was feeling a little under the weather." Mark explained making me relax. Kana made some weird face before walking out ahead of us.

Mark walked beside me and our hand brushed ever slightly. I don't know if it is just me or both of us become really hypersensitive from each other's touch that one has to moved his hand away immediately. Mark walked a little more faster right in front of me towards his car.

Kana drove us to the restaurant Mark reserved earlier. Mark told me that he doesn't need to bring his own car because he has plans to walk me around after dinner much to my delight. When we reached the place, Kana went out to do some orders while Mark pointed me to our table. He then excused himself to talk with the owner of the place along with Kana.

As the three of them talked standing near each other at the counter, I noticed that a few diners have their smart phones out pointing at the direction of the three persons. Then the person who appeared to be the owner left Mark and Kana alone to stare down at the menu book they are sharing.

With the closeness of both of their heads lowered down reading the menu, anyone won't be able to deny that the relationship between them is very special. I heard an excited giggle from the group of girls dining a few tables away from ours. They were all ogling at Mark and Kana who are now laughing heartily pointing down at the menu.

If not for my knowledge about the two's closeness as bestfriends, I might already pulled Mark off away from Kana. The damn kid have forgotten about his celebrity status and compromised his identity along with Mark's own privacy. I was about to stand and tell this to his face when Mark finally left him and came walking back to our table.

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