XXXVIII. Under the Snow

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"Mark? Mark? Hey Mark!"

"Mark? Damn it! What the hell happened to him?"

Kana and Pran called frantically the name of their friend who was leaning unconscious against the wall of the bathroom. The two had rushed on their feet upon hearing from a staff of the club that a fight had occurred in the man's washroom leaving two unconscious men laying on the floor. Kana immediately reacted knowing that Mark went there and haven't come back to them since then.

Mark was indeed one of the man they found inside. He was already seated against the wall on the dry part of the washroom while the other lay face down on the pool of water mixed with presumably the other man's own blood. Mark's head was down, his hair wet and disarrayed while his face has some purplish bruises making him looked so pitiable. His nose scrunched up and he began to stir when Kana had shaken his shoulders a little forcefully.

The uncomfortable feeling of wetness on his pants soaking all the way through his underwear and the sticky feeling of his sweat that made his clothes clung unto his skin made him finally open his eyes.

"Mark!" Kana exclaimed in relief seeing that his friend was now conscious.

"Oh thank the heavens you're alive! What happened to you? Who is this guy?" Pran asked pointing to the guy who was still unconscious. Kana and him didn't even bother to check if the man was still breathing. They were only interested with their friend.

Mark groaned out loud after he moved his body and Kana immediately assisted him. His eyes dwelled at the man on the floor and his face went all dim.

"Ugh...Is that bastard still alive? Fucking pervert. Where's the other guy?" He scanned around the room searching for that other weird looking man who promptly helped him when his head was about to get drowned inside the sink. It was unexpected but if it wasn't for that man, he must have been dead or had gotten raped by this perverted homo lying on the floor.

"Who? There's only the two of you when we came in. The staff had alerted the security though. Oh. Here they are." The two helped Mark stand on his feet when the door of the washroom opened revealing Mark's cousin who was the owner of the club and  behind him were 2 police officers.  Mark's cousin Renji immediately checked on him while the two officers squatted down to the unconscious man on the floor.

"What happened here Mark? Are you ok?" Renji asked his cousin tilting the younger boy's chin up for a closer look to his face.

"I'm alright Renj. Just got a little harassed but still alive." Mark smiled at his cousin to lessen his worry.

"Harassed by a man? You are really something Mark! When did you harbor this kind of charm that even guys drool over you?"

"It all started when he came to Thailand Renj. You have no idea how many man had cried over your cousin." Kana was shaking his head with a sarcastic smile painted on his face.

"Well aren't you one of them Kana chan?" Mark smirked back towards Kana whose face immediately turned into a ripe tomato. Renji laughed beside them. Pran who wasn't able to understand the exchange of conversation just looked at the three scornfully.

"By the way officers, there was another man with us. Well, he kinda save me from that guy. Haven't you caught up with him outside? He's wearing a white sweater with a black cap on his head." Mark turned to asked the officers. One of them was already putting handcuffs on the man who was not stirring on the floor.

"Did you know that guy Mark? So he really did helped you?" It was Mark's cousin who answered for him.

"You have seen him? Where is he now?" Mark asked getting more and more interested with the other guy. He wasn't even interested as the man on the floor was now being escorted by the two police officers raising him from the floor.

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