Chapter 21 (After-Story Arc)

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It has been three months since Satoko and Toya lived together. One would think living together would be all butterflies and fluff.

In reality, couples do have their fair share of conflict. It would be over the dumbest arguments. Both their personalities can come off as aggressive.

But there was one instance where Satoko got emotional. Really emotional that she snapped.

Family therapies can be rough. It would be getting better, but occasionally, Toya does get mean towards Shoto.

After arriving home, Satoko got upset. She told Toya, "You're no better than Endeavor if you don't change!!"

It was too late. She said something so hurtful towards him. She knows it was pretty awful. He didn't want to speak to her that he ended up sleeping on the couch.

Satoko was aggravated he didn't want to talk to her. Stubborn as she was, she didn't think at the time it was hurtful when she's blinded by her own emotions.

(Why can't he just want to be happy?! I don't understand why he makes it so complicated!!)

Eventually, she was able to fall asleep.


There it was. Satoko felt like she was suffocating in her slumber.

A nightmare.

She couldn't make it out. It was terrible.



Toya could suddenly hear Satoko coughing in a way that she was throwing up. It was pretty loud from just lying on the couch.

Toya sat up and yawned with an irritated sigh at the end. He did feel worried for her, but that worry only made him feel more irritated. He made his way to the bedroom and opened up the door.

Satoko was gagging and trembling. He could even hear it in her breath that she was struggling to breathe. That itself became alarming to him.

"Satoko!" He went to the side of her bed. There was no response from her. Her eyes eventually opened, but they looked blanked out.

Her coughing caused her entire body to shake. She gasped for air in between coughs but could never seem to get enough.

Toya put his hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's me."

Satoko didn't feel his presence.

Breathe. Wake up.

It felt like she was breathing, but she felt like she wasn't. The way it was making her feeling was like she was going to barf. The feeling was unexplainable.

Wake up.

It feels like she really isn't here. Is she alive? Dead? The way it was making her head feel like pins and needles. She was light headed, yet afraid to pass out.

Her hands starting slapping the sides of her cheeks in desperation to feel like she was still there.

(Why am I so terrified?)

This hasn't happened for a while. Something about sleeping causes this high anxiety. Whatever was the nightmare she had, she couldn't remember. It would always cause these results.

This was one of those nights where her episode is more severe.

With another slap, she found herself breathing more rapidly.

Toya grabbed her wrists to get her to stop. He used his thumb to draw invisible circles on her skin. "You're in bed still."

He could tell by that point that she had a nightmare. She had a few nights like that before since they moved in together.

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