Rain After The Storm

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Things had calmed down a bit after techno swung his sword around threatening the people surrounding him "Let me leave in peace, no government. One day i'll be back." And with that he ran through the small opening the group gave "Ezzie lets go!" without thinking she ran with him "Later losers" She yelled tailing closely behind techno "So what now?" She asked as they entered the cold land covered in snow. "Build a house stay away from L'manburg, you are welcome to stay, since you helped me generously" She laughed "They caused Wilbur to practically commit suicide I.. I needed to help finish what you guys started" He didn't reply, with everything that had happened for a split second he had forgotten about Wilbur. "Here" he finally said pulling his axe out. "We can start building here" Ezzie didn't say anything back, instead she pulled her axe out as well and started chopping down trees. "I don't plan on living in your house, I wouldn't burden you like that. Just letting you know" Techno gave a grunt in response "You certainly are a chatter box huh" she said as she started making the foundation for her house "Just focused, I need to prepare for things as soon as im done building"

Another hour passed and Ezzie was almost done building her house, she stretched upwards earning a large crack from her back. "Alright chat I think its jts about time for me to log off seeing as im becoming a human glowstick from sitting in this chair, I hope you all had a great time watching, and ill see you guys in the next stream!" With that she ended the stream logging off of Minecraft and leaning back in her chair, her arms were tired for playing for just around three hours. She got up finally walking to the bathroom and rinsing her face with water before going down the steps and opening the fridge "Geez we need to go shopping, all we really have is left over bull crap, Tommy! Im hungry what should we order for dinner?" After a few second of silence she heard the door to Tommy's rooms open "uhh fish and chips?" Ezzie thought for a second before agreeing and going back upstairs to grab her purse and keys. Knocking on Tommys door she asked "Wanna come with me? im just gonna go order in the shop and bring it back" A groan came from the boys room before he opened the door "Yea I guess ill go since you wont stop asking me" he signed going back to grab his shoes. "You are such an ass sometimes kid you know that right" she said trotting down the staircase.

Ezzie pulled up to the restaurant grabbing her phone checking for a text of some sort from Wilbur, but there was nothing so she pushed open the door walking into the place to be greeted by the smell of different types of delicious food. After ordering she went and sat at a table with Tommy, though he wasnt much for conversation as he was just sitting on his phone. She was just sitting waiting for food when she heard a certain deep laugh erupt from the other side of the restaurant. "Wilbur?"

A/N- OMG ANOTHER CHAPTERRR this one was extra short AND I left it on a cliff hanger ahahahaha im evil, anyways I hope you all enjoyed and are ready for the small angst that's coming up,,, make sure to drink water and vote if you enjoyed :))

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