The start - day 2

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"Australia ? What's someone from Australia doing here?!" Ezzie chimed completely oblivious to the fact that people from all around the world travel to vidcon to meet fans.

"Ezzie you are... so dull sometimes I swear" dream laughed pinching the bridge of his nose. "And it isn't just one guy, it's a whole group of them. Their YouTubers though I don't know much about them honestly" he finished.
"Hmm, I mean it sounds fun we should go!" She said causing Wilbur to raise a brow. "If that's okay with everyone else" she said looking around. No body gave protest to her words so she smiled "then it's done we're going!"

- time skip -

The first day of vidcon was finally over and everyone was sitting at home doing various different things. Ezzie, techno, Wilbur, and dream and George were sitting at the kitchen table drinking and talking amongst themselves. "So when's the party" Wilbur asked taking a sip of his drink. "Tomorrow night actually it starts around 9 I think" Dream replied.
"Alright well I think it's due time I check In for the night" Wilbur said standing from his chair and putting his glass in the sink giving it a quick rinse. "Will you be joining me dear?" He said looking towards ezzie who was pouring herself another drink. "I'm gonna hang down here for a bit if that's okay? I'll join you soon though!" She chimed taking a sip and giving him a sideways smirk. He smiled lightly shaking his head and turning toward the stairs "don't drink to much now, goodnight" with that he started heading up the steps disappearing behind the door frame as the sound of his footsteps retreated. "So ezzie" techno said setting his glass down. "You don't seem much of a party person, what made you wanna go?"
"Good question actually, you don't really look like the type of person who just goes to huge parties" dream continued.

Ezzie looked down into her drink before swirling it around a few times. "Well I'm not, I guess? I wasn't really allowed to go even if I was invited. So my inner teen wanted to jump at the chance to go to one" she said taking a large gulp of her drink after finishing her sentence.

"Oh.. I see, I apologize for that ezz. We'll make sure you have a great time then!" George said giving her shoulder a light rub before standing to set his dish in the sink. "I think it's about time I head to sleep as well, if you'd all like we should go for breakfast tomorrow!"
Dream nodded before standing as well. "That sounds like a good idea George, night everybody I'll catch ya in the morning"
"Goodnight!" Techno and ezzie both chimed.

After they went upstairs, it was just techno and ezzie left. Both slightly drunk just talking about the day they had only hours before.
"I seriously can't believe that you've never been to a con before yesterday" techno said leaning on his hand. "I mean you arent like a huggeee YouTuber like mark, but you're still super well known" he finished
Ezzie got embarrassed, he was right it was a little weird for her not to go before yesterday but it's not like she had a choice.
"I mean... I would've loved to go to the other ones, even though I wasn't as big as I am now. There was a few things holding me back however." Her sentence trailed off . "Okay, like what?" He said completely disregarding the fact it could be a sensitive topic. "We'll ya see, uh shit how do I explain this... well for starters I didn't wanna show my face to early on. And two, my parents hated the whole YouTube thing. They didn't support it. So they never let me"

Techno paused before his next statement, trying to take the time to actually think it through. "Those are fair points, a lot of YouTubers who play Minecraft and such like to keep their face hidden, as for you're parents im sorry." He reached his hand out to hers tapping it gently.
"It's okay! No apology needed really" She chimed feeling bad at his display of sympathy.

"Another drink?" He said smiling
"Just one more then I'm gonna head upstairs" she passed him her cup.

After the finished chatting and their drinks ezzie smiled "this was nice! But like I said it's time for me to turn in, night techno"

He stayed planted at the table, watching her walk up the stairs pouring another drink and mumbling something to himself that was incoherent to ezzie.

A/N - ooouuhhhh Hehe I wonder what he said ...
Anyways sorry for the slow updates I've recently gotten a 2nd job and it takes up SO. MUCH. TIME. I'm exhausted 🥲 anyways enjoy this lil chapter

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