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  "She just seems so, two faced but I don't know her so I guess I can't really speak poorly about her" Ezzie finished up setting her drink down on the table "Thanks for letting me talk about this Tommy i've been holding it inside for a while" she laughed cleaning up her spot on the table before heading over to pay the bill. "Lets go!" she shouted. Tommy stood up giving the table where Wilbur sat one last look before shaking his head and walking away. He hadn't known Wilbur as the type to cheat but then again what did he know, Tommy didn't try to learn about his romantic relationships let alone his sexual ones.

"So little man whatcha thinking about" Ezzie finally spoke as she stopped at a red light. "Not much really, are you going to vidcon?" Ezzie nodded leaning her head back a bit as she watched the other cars pass by. "I'm sorry" Tommy spoke up looking down at his lap. Ezzie passed him a confused look. "What for kid? You haven't done anything have you" She said raising her eyebrows. Tommy shook his head looking out the window, "It's just you seemed so happy about Wilbur and I don't know what was really going on at their table but" He stopped, sighing and rubbing his neck "You seemed upset and it pisses me off, I don't know Wil as the guy to mess around with women but then again I dont pry into his personal relationships." Ezzie was staring ahead as the light changed and she put her foot on the gas. "Don't worry about it little man, we got better things to look forward to like recording and vidcon, plus I don't think he would do anything like that" "Yeah I guess your right Big E" Ezzie laughed "don't call me big E"

When they got home Tommy went straight to his room and got on a call, though Ezzie didn't know why he seemed so rushed but she decided not to intrude. After setting her bag down on her bedroom floor she sat at her computer and loaded up minecraft. "I guess I could stream something today" She got everything set up and started. "Hello everyone thanks for joining the stream! I honestly won't be doing much today just messing around on the smp might even start building a house" She said as she started gathering the things she needed to build her first real house on the smp. "I forgot to mention, I'll be going to vidcon this year. So I know I haven't officially had any type of meet ups or a face reveal but I would love to do something like that there!" She read her chat seeing many positive messages about a small meet up with some fans as well as doing a possible face reveal soon. "I don't know about my face going completely public yet but i've been thinking a lot about it and I plan on doing a face reveal in the future"

She had been playing and talking with her chat for a few hours, completely ignoring the buzzing she heard coming from her phone. She was just about to start making an animal farm when she heard a knock on the door. "Tommy go away in playing minecraft" she shouted causing her chat to spam funny stuff about tommy being a nuisance "It's not tommy." Her heart dropped at the sound of the voice. It was Wilbur. What the hell was he doing here? Why was he here? Tommy wouldnt just let him inside like that. "Alright guys I know I was about to start my farm but something very important came up and I have to end stream sadly, I'll be back sometime tomorrow to finish this mess of a farm. I hope you all enjoyed and don't forget to hydrate byeee!" With that she shut all her stream stuff down and closed out minecraft. "What do you want Wil?" she said opening her bedroom door. "More importantly, how the hell did you get in?" "Well the door was unlocked and I-" Ezzie stopped him an angry look plastered onto her face "So you broke into my house?!" Wilburs face went into a shocked expression when he realized that he technically had broken an entering. "N-no! it wasn't like that it's just, well you see I was calling and calling your phone but you hadn't picked up. I mean I called tommy too he wouldn't even answer so I drove over here scared something happened and when I was banging on the door with no one answering" He looked off to the floor where Ezzie was standing.

A/N - OKAY WOW HAHAHA. I forgot this book existed until someone commented on one of the older chapters and I come back to find out I have 12k FUCKING REAADS ??? WHAT that's literally crazy tysm,,, i'm like sorry for not finishing this or really updating at all. to put it short I was broken up with and hated all romance 😻 but things are better i'm in school and working part time with my ( current ) bf and 1000% ready to hopefully write this book again

The guy she came to love  (WilburSoot)Where stories live. Discover now