Sam x reader Fluff

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A/N- The picture above is not mine! Credit goes to TheMaskedChris (On youtube). Requested by Fl0w3rPap3r.

It twas a sunny day, you are at the beach with your friends, Sam, Kyle, and Nathen. You were enjoying the day, it was warm, you could swim or write in the sand, but you were planning something, you've had a crush on your closest friend, Sam. Right now you and your friends are sitting under a shady tree enjoying the pleasant atmosphere.

"Hay, Y/N and Sam, me and Nathen are gonna go swim. Wanna come with us?" Kyle said.

"Nah, I'm good." You said, hoping Sam would hang back too. 

"Same, I'm not feeling like swimming right now." Sam said. 

"Kay, see ya!" Nathen said as the two guys ran off and jumped into the water. 

"H-hay, Sam?" You said.

"Hmm?" Sam asked as she turned towards you.

"C-can I show y-you something?" You stuttered. Sam looked a bit confused to why your stuttering but agreed. You softly smiled, grabbed her hand and lead you to a part of the beach where no one could see you both. You noticed that it was getting dark. 'Prefect' You thought with a smile. Once you both got to other side of the beach Sam walked to your side, still holding your hand and looking at the sand. Written in letters on the sand and decorated with beautiful seashells was 'Will you be mine Sam?' To say the least, Sam was surprised, she looked at you , you were flustered.

"Y-yes!" Sam said confidently. You looked at her surprised, but you then smiled. Sam then leant closer to you and softly kissed you, you quickly melted into the kiss. You both pulled away and looked up to the sky, it was night time but the sky looked beautiful.     

You and Sam both heard foot steps making you both jump a bit

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You and Sam both heard foot steps making you both jump a bit. Kyle and Nathen then saw you and Sam sitting next to each other, your arm around her and Sam leaning against you. Kyle then clapped and cheered.

"Woo! Good going Y/N!!!" Kyle cheered with a huge grin on his face. You, Sam, and Nathen looked at Kyle. You gave Kyle a blank look.

"Kyle, just because we're friends doesn't mean I won't kick your ass." You said. Kyle gulped and chuckled nervously.

"Anyway, It's time to go, I'm shure the beach is closed by now, so we're probably gonna have to jump a fence." Nathen said. You and Sam got up. You, Sam, Nathen, and Kyle walked to the exit of the beach and of course you guys had to climb a fence. Once Nathen and Kyle were over the fence you helped Sam over the fence. Once you guys were out of the beach Nathen and Kyle walked home after bidding their good bye's. 

"So, do you want me to walk you home?" You asked Sam.

"Shure." Sam said with a soft smile. You and Sam walked the her house, you two talked about random stuff then decided to talk about Eteled, which of course you already knew about him, you just wanted to know how he's been. You and Sam finally reached her house.

" Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow Y/N." Sam said.

"Yeah, see ya tomorrow." You said.

"Bye Y/N."

"Bye Sam." After that Sam walked into her house, closing the door behind her. You sighed and smiled softly before walking home. On your way home you got a text from Kyle.

Kyle: So what did you and Sam do while me and Nathen was swimming?

You: None of your business Kyle.

Kyle: Fine, Bye.

You: Bye Kyle.  

You noticed you were already at your house 'Wow that was fast' You thought. You walked inside, went into your room and flopped onto your bed, you softly smiled and went to sleep. You were exhausted and fell asleep right on the spot.

A/N- Well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! This a pretty fun to make! Byee!! 

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