~A dare~ Weirdcore!Eteled x Reader

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A/N-The picture above is Weirdcore Eteled. I do not own this AU, the AU belongs to moskisprout on YouTube. Enjoy!

You were currently at a party with a few of your friends, the music was blaring, the TV had a football game on, snacks covered the living room table, in the kitchen (Y/F/N) was playing poker with someone you found on the street (You didn't want the guy to be along and in the cold, so you let him join the party as well). Once the poker game was over (Y/F/N) decided to gather everyone into the living room, they turned the music off and the TV, making one of your friends pissed off because the wasn't close to being over.

"Everyone! Shut the actual FUCK UP!" (Y/F/N) yelled at everyone. Everyone was quick to shut up and listen. "Let's all play...." (Y/F/N) paused for dramatic effect. "Truth or dare!" Someone in the room played a lightning sound effect, making a few people chuckle. "This is serious guys! And I've got something good for Y/N~" (Y/F/N) said with a spooky grin. You scoffed and punched their arm, playfully of course.

"Shut up (Y/F/N)!" You said with a huff. Everyone got in a circle, (Y/F/N) set a empty glass bottle in the middle of the circle.

"Are we summoning some shit?" Someone said jokingly. Everyone chuckled, you rolled your eyes and chuckled.

"Alright, since it was my idea, I should go first." (Y/F/N) said cockily.

"Whatever, just spin the bottle already!" You exclaimed impatiently. (Y/F/N) rolled their eyes and spun the bottle, landing on the stranger you had found on the street.

"Ok... Truth or dare." (Y/F/N) said.

"Truth." The stranger said.

"Ok, Do you have any fetishes?" (Y/F/N) asked. Everyone burst out laughing. The stranger blushed a bit.


~Time Skip~

Once (Y/F/N) spun the bottle for the last time... It landed on you. You forgot that (Y/F/N) had a great dare for you, so you chose dare, not wanting to look stupid or like a chicken.

"Alright." (Y/F/N) said with a wide grin. "I dare you to go to the run down play place near the woods!" They said in a challenging voice. Everyone went dead silent, which was kinda unnerving. Everyone thought the run down play place was haunted, but not really sure if it was or not since no one would check it out.

"Ok, I'll be the only one to check if it's haunted or not!" You exclaimed, accepting (Y/F/N)'s challenge. Everyone was surprised that you accepted the dare so quickly. You got up and bolted out the door, getting an adrenaline rush. You noticed (Y/F/N) running after you, you grinned and ran faster, not looking any breath from the adrenaline rush you were feeling. After a few minutes of running, you and (Y/F/N) finally reached the ran down, abandoned play place, that was meant for kids when it was still in business, no one knows the main cause of the play place to become ran down.

"Holy SHIT, Y/N!" (Y/F/N) exclaimed. You quickly put your hand over their mouth to shut them up. You heard leaves crunching on the ground and twigs snapping. You slowly took your hand off their mouth. "What the fuck..." (Y/F/N) whispered.

"Maybe this place is haunted..." You muttered quietly. (Y/F/N) nodded. You saw their pupils become small when you both heard footsteps coming closer to both of you. You grabbed (Y/F/N)'s hand and ran to a tree. "Climb the damn tree (Y/F/N)! You're not stuck in place!" You whisper yelled and let go of their hand. They quickly climbed the tree, they've always been good climbers. You ran to the back of the play place and snuck inside, you were awestruck, the place didn't look ran down from the inside. You walked around and saw a ball pit, some slides, a few party tables, and some counters. The place looked really cool, from what you could see because it was dark outside, and you didn't think there was any working electricity inside the building. You continued to walk around and explore. You noticed the place didn't look haunted, perhaps it was the child like feel and look to the inside of the building. You didn't know someone snuck behind you until you felt a hand on your right shoulder, making you jump. You quickly turned around, you were very surprised to see a guy in a black hoodie, the guy wore a white mask that held a red grin, the guy's pupils were balloons, there were black streaks going from his eyes to his chin, resembling the balloon's strings.

"Who-who are y-you??!!?" You said with a stutter. It was cold, or was it just cold because you were frightened? You had a t-shirt on, so it must be the cold weather! 

"What are you doing here?" The guy said, ignoring your question. His voice was surprisingly deep, but it didn't bother you.

"I-I was dared to check t-this place out....." You said softly. "You didn't answer my question though.... Who are you?" You asked. The guy shoved one of his hands into his hoodie pocket.

"My name is.... Eteled...." He said. "I've been trapped here for some time now.... Who are you?" He asked.

"My name is Y/N....." You said with a soft smile. Eteled blushed under his mask.

"That's a nice name...." Eteled said softly. You blushed a bit, but shrugged it off.

"Thanks... I've got to get going though... I don't want my friend waiting and thinking I got murdered or something." You said while shaking your head softly and smiling. Eteled nodded.

"You'll come back though.... Right?" The slightly taller male asked. You smiled and nodded.

"Of course! I honestly like this place... I don't know why it got ran down and became out of business....." You said. "Well, see ya!" You said as you walked out of the play place and to the tree (Y/F/N) was cowering in.

"Y-Y/N!" They exclaimed as they jumped out of the tall tree.

"Woah! Don't break your legs, you idiot!" You said jokingly. They rolled their eyes. You and (Y/F/N) then started to walk back to your place.

"So.... Did you find the person who scared me shitless?!" (Y/F/N) asked/yelled. You chuckled softly.

"Yea, I did... And I'm gonna make sure he dose it again!" You said with a grin.

"Noo! Wait....... HE??!?!?!?"

A/N- I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I was having a hard time thinking of a plot for a new chapter and I had finally gotten a good idea for this chapter! So I hope you guys liked it! Byeee!

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