~I Was Worried~ Worried!Careful!Sam X Childish!Injured!Reader

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A/N-This was requested by @Corey_fanart999YT  . Enjoy!

You were at Sam's house being a goofball. Eteled couldn't help but snicker when Sam had to chase you around the house. Eteled knew Sam was worried about you getting hurt, but Eteled thought the whole entire situation was funny. Once Sam had caught you, she set you down on her bed. You huffed.

"Oh c'mon Sam!" You said. Eteled snickered again, but he quickly shut up when Sam glared at him.

"Y/N.... I don't want you to get hurt...." Sam said. You sighed and tried to convince her that you wouldn't get hurt, and she should stop worrying so much. Sam sighed. "Fine.... I'll try not to worry about you so much Y/N, how 'bout we go to the park?" Sam suggested. You nodded in excitement. Sam and Eteled both chuckled. Sam turned the Wii and her TV off and you both walked to the park.... Or well, ran to the park. You and Sam had a race to the park to see who was the fastest runner. It was a tie, but once you both got to the park, Sam had to chase you again. You climbed up a tree, so Sam wouldn't catch you. She lost sight of you, and she started to look for you around the park. You snickered when Sam walked near you multiple times, but didn't see you. Once Sam walked up to the tree you were in, she finally saw you.

"Hai!" You said with a grin. Sam chuckled softly.

"Alright Y/N, come on down." Sam said. You looked at the ground nervously, but you jumped down. You fell on the ground harshly, tears threatened to fall since your leg was hurt. Sam panicked and picked you up bridal style. Sam rushed home and set you on her bed. Sam checked to see if your leg was broken, but luckily, your leg was only sprained. Sam went to the bathroom to check if she had any bandages. While you were waiting you noticed the Wii and TV turned on. You were used to that since you've spent a few nights at Sam's. You saw Eteled on the screen of the TV, he looked worried.

"Y/N... Are you alright?" Eteled asked. You nodded.

"Yea.... Sam s-said my leg was sprained... I fell out of a t-tree..." You responded. Eteled nodded. Sam then walked into the room and started to wrap your lower leg with bandages, so your leg would stay in place and not break. Once that was finished Sam told Eteled the entire story. Eteled sighed.

"At least you're alright Y/N." Eteled said. You nodded. You hugged Sam since she was setting next to you. Sam blushed and hugged you back.

"How about you get some rest Y/N...." Sam said softly. You nodded. Sam laid you down on her bed and put the blankets on you. Sam kissed your forehead softly, making you blush. "Good night Y/N..."

"Night Sam...."

A/N- Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I've been having writer's block and some art block, but hopefully I'll get some more ideas! Anyways, Byeeeee!

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