~A fun date~ Henry x reader x Austin

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A/N- I forgot who requested this lol. Enjoy!

It's been a long day at school, you were in high school. You had trouble in math, which your friend Austin helped you with, and you helped your friend Henry controlling his temper. The principal made shure you and Henry was always in the same room at school because you were the only one who would help Henry. But anyway, you are currently at the lunchroom sitting next to Henry, you had finished your food, but Henry hasn't, so you were waiting on him. You noticed Austin walking twords you with a wide grin plastered on his face.

"Hay Austin." You greeted. Austin sat next to you.

"Hay, Y/N." Austin replied. "I was wondering if you were interested in coming to arcade with me." Austin offered.

"Shure! Is it ok if Henry tags along too?" You asked. Austin knew Henry had to follow you around, or you had to follow Henry around.

"Fine....." Austin said. You grinned and wrapped your arm around Henry, making him jump a bit, but he relaxed.

"Ya hear that Henry? We're going to the arcade!" You exclaimed. Henry smiled softly from your energetic personality that he loved since day one.

~Time Skip~

You, Henry, and Austin were walking to the arcade, you had always loved playing Pacman and the other great games there. Once you three had entered the arcade, you were excited to see the pink and orange lights strewed around the arcade, you had noticed there was Halloween decorations hung around the building.

"Wanna play Pacman Henry?" You asked. Henry blushed a bit, but agreed. You grabbed Henry by the hand and walked to the Pac-Man game. Austin was a little pissed from your move twords Henry.

Austin's POV- I should've been the one holding Y/N's hand. I'll just have to wait to make my move....

No one's POV- It's been a few hours, and you haven't lost yet, Henry was surprised that you were excellent at the game. Henry inched closer to you and rested one of his arms around you. You kinda liked how close Henry was to you. He then moved his arm around your waist, making you blush a light red hue. Austin saw how close Henry was to you. Austin growled a bit, completely jealous of Henry being close to you.

"Maybe we should get some food, I'm hungry." You said to Henry.

"Kay..." Henry said quietly. You and Henry walked over to Austin, who was playing a game, he was playing Street Fighter to be specific.

"Hay, Austin, I was thinking we should maybe go and get something to eat." You said. Austin then lost the game and looked at you.

"Yea, where do you wanna go?" Austin asked.

"Hmm, how bout' McDonald's?" You asked. Austin nodded. "What do you think Henry?"

"Yea, that's fine..." Henry said softly. You nodded and you three walked to the nearest McDonald's, which wasn't far. Once you three got the food, Austin lead you guys to a hill top to eat. By the time you three got to the hill top it was already nightfall, but Austin brought a flashlight, so you three didn't really care how dark it was. You, Henry, and Austin then sat down and started to eat. Austin then saw a shooting star.

"Y/N! A shooting star!" Austin pointed at the shooting star. "Make a wish!"

"Hm, I've already have what I wish for! Two great friends!" You said. Henry and Austin smiled softly. You then zoned out while looking at the stars. Austin and Henry then kissed your cheek(s). You snapped back into reality and blushed crimson red. You then smiled softly and kissed Henry and Austin's cheek, making the both of them blush. "C'mon you two, let's go home, tomorrow's Friday."

"O-okay..." Henry stuttered, still in shock from the kiss. You chuckled softly.

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