Corrupted Mii x Mii Reader

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It was pretty boring in the Mii Channel, you couldn't go to any of the other channels because 1: They were pretty boring and 2: You only could go to the other channels when the Wii was plugged in. Your only company was Eteled, but you called him Henry which sometime ticked him off, but you didn't really care. You and Eteled felt the Wii being plugged in. "Someone already bought the Wii?!" You exclaimed. You didn't think the Wii would've sold that fast. You then saw a kid on the other side of the screen, the kid was a male kid, seemingly 10 years old with short brown hair, the kid looked scared of you and Eteled, so the kid deleted you both. Once you were deleted you felt a indescribable amount of pain. You looked around, noticing that your in a bed, attached to life support machines. You took the wires off of yourself and shakily stood up, you saw a Mii that you've never saw before, he had the head of a mii but his body looked metallic, he seemed to be leaning against a wall.

"U-uhm, d-do you know how I-I can g-get back to the M-Mii Channel?" You asked the unknown mii.

"Hmm? Oh, you'll have to know a bug in the code, but I can help you.." He said. The unknown mii walked closer, making you back up a little. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you." He chuckled. "I'm the Corrupted Mii..." he said with a smile.

"I-I'm Y/N..." You stuttered, you were still in shock from being deleted.

"Come on..." The Corrupted Mii said as he extended his hand. You hesitantly grabbed his hand and he teleported you both to the Mii Channel. Luckily the Wii was turned of so the kid didn't see you or the Corrupted Mii. Eteled saw the Corrupted Mii but pretended he didn't see him. "I'll se you later Y/N, I've gotta finish something."

"Ok, see ya later!" You said with a smile. Corrupted Mii then teleported back to the hallway and walked to the room with the electric chair. He kept thinking about you and for some reason he would blush, but he just shrugged it off. You also kept thinking about Corrupted Mii and would blush a bit, Eteled became worried because of your flustered state. You kept telling him that you're fine but he won't stop pestering you about it.

A/N-I hope you enjoyed this chapter! The ending sucked on this one :P Byee!

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