Todd Headcannon Catchup

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Key- (Y/F/C/S) = Your favorite coffee shop.

How you met- You were applying for a new job and saw Nintendo was hiring for a new game designer, so you applied for that. You and Todd talked over the phone with each other and scheduled to meet at (Y/F/C/S). Once you and Todd met in person, you were surprised you and Todd had a lot in common. Todd thought you had enough potential to have a position, so you got the job!

So, Ill see you tomorrow Y/N! Todd said. You smiled softly and bid your farewells before you left for home.

First Confession- You were incredibly stressed, and when you were stressed, you were hot-headed. So, right now you are designing the newest Nintendo game. Todd walked up to your office door, and knocked on it.

WHAT?!?! You yelled in annoyance, not thinking it was Todd. Todd walked into your office.

I was just checking up on you. Todd said. You slightly jumped upon hearing Todds voice. You immediately stopped working and looked at Todd.

Oh! Sorry sir! Ive just been really stressed lately You admitted. Todd nodded in understatement.

If you want, you can take a break.. Todd suggested.

Nah, Im fine, I want to get as much done as possible. You said.

Well, I have something to tell you, Y/N Todd said.

Oh, ok You said. Todd pulled up a chair and sat down.

Just so you dont get the wrong idea, you arent in any trouble. Todd said softly. Todd saw a bit of relief show on your face. I, uh, weve been friends for a while now, and I was wondering if youd want to be mine? Todd asked. You felt a crimson red hue cover your cheeks.

Yes! You said with a grin. Todd smiled softly. Todd then kissed you softly, you were surprised that his lips were soft, but the kiss felt perfect, like two puzzle pieces fitting together. You and Todd pulled away. I should get back to work. You said with a smile. Todd nodded and got up.

Alright, Ill see you later Y/N. Todd said. You nodded and Todd walked back to his office.

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