~Cold as Ice~ Eteled x Mii!Reader

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A/N- This was requested by NeonRanker. Enjoy!

It was freezing in the Mii Channel, you couldn't stand it! Eteled saw you trying to get warm by curling up into a ball. Eteled walked towards you with a blanket. Eteled put the blanket over you and sat down next to you.

"Aren't you cold Eteled?" You asked.

"No, not really.... But that's because I'm wearing a sweater." Eteled replied. You nodded.

"W-well, do you wanna cuddle with m-me?" You asked. Eteled smiled softly.

"Shure." Eteled said softly. Eteled got under the blanket with you and rested his arms around you, bringing your smaller form closer to him.

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