Yandere!Corrupted Mii x Yandere!Reader

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A/N-This was requested by evea13


It was really hot in the Mii Channel, and you had to take off your shit. Don't worry! You usually wear a tank top under your shirt! Little did you know.... Two certain Miis saw you take your shirt off. Eteled was a flustered mess and Corrupted Mii was pissed off that Eteled saw you. You've always noticed Corrupted Mii was clingy towards you. Corrupted Mii then slapped Eteled's head, making you cock your head in Corrupted Mii's direction. You quickly put your knife in your pocket without anyone noticing. You walked over to Corrupted Mii.

"Hay CM......" You said bluntly. Corrupted Mii looked at you and smirked a bit.

"Why, hello Y/N~" Corrupted Mii said with a glitched purr. You gave him a forced smile and slowly reached for your pocket, luckily Corrupted Mii didn't notice your movement. "Enjoying the warm weather here?" He asked, trying to make some small talk. 

"Yea, I guess so.... Don't you think it's too hot in here?" You asked. Corrupted Mii cocked a brow.

"What do you mean by that?" Corrupted Mii asked. You smirked and quickly grabbed your knife and pounced onto Corrupted Mii, making him growl a bit. You held a crazed grin and went to stab Corrupted Mii's chest, but he was quick to grab wrist and prevent you from stabbing him. "W-what the FUCK are you doing?!?!" Corrupted Mii asked while yelling. 

"You shouldn't slap Eteled....." You said in a threating tone. Corrupted Mii growled again. You applied some pressure so you could at least cut Corrupted Mii. He noticed this and he kicked you off of him. You groaned a bit because he kicked your lower chest and your upper stomach. Eteled ran towards you.

"Y/N!! Are you ok??!" Eteled asked in a panicked tone .

"I'm fine... You should run to cover, I don't want you to get hurt Eteled..." You said. Eteled nodded and ran to the Hallway and ducked under one of the beds. Corrupted Mii walked towards you and tried to cut your arm with his claws but you quickly dodged his attack and stabbed his side, making him hiss in pain. You grinned in delight and took your knife out of his side. Corrupted Mii glared at you, but he did something you weren't expecting... He kissed you.... Harshly. You tried to pull away, but Corrupted Mii wouldn't let go of you. Finally after a few minutes of struggling, you finally broke free. You growled a bit and ran to the Hallway since you knew Eteled was there. You went to find Eteled and you finally did. 

~Time skip~

You and Eteled have been hiding under the bed for awhile, you two might be there for a long time...

A/N-Sorry this ended sucky.... I didn't have much motivation to finish this due to my ex ( if you saw the "I need support" chp. You'll know what I'm talking about.) Anyway, byeee!!

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