Kyle x Carefull!Reader

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A/N- this was requested by Femaleschlatt. Enjoy!

You weren't having the brightest day at school, first you were bullied by Will, then you slipped and fell into mud, then Will dumped his food onto your head. 'How could this day get any worse?!' You thought toxically. You then saw you're best friend, Kyle, walk towards you. You still had food in your hair and on your cloths, today on the lunch menu was spaghetti, so it was a pretty big mess. 

"Hay Y/N! Need some help?" Kyle asked. You nodded. Kyle helped you up. "I brought some extra cloths with me, you can borrow those." Kyle offered. You blushed but said ok. You and Kyle walked to Kyle's locker, Kyle then handed you a pair of pants and a t-shirt. You thanked him and you walked to the bathroom to change cloths. Once you were done you put your dirty cloths in your locker and you walked back to Kyle.

"Thanks Kyle...." You said shyly. Kyle smiled softly and blushed a bit.

"No problem Y/N! Plus, you look cute in my cloths..." Kyle said with a wink. You're face heated up and a dark red hue covered your cheeks. "Now, c'mon, don't want to be late to math class..." Kyle said as he grabbed your hand and dragged you to math class, though leaving you in a state of shock and embarrassment. 

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