Yandere!Sam X Male!Reader

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A/N- The reader is Henry's son! I forgot who requested this, lol sorry!

  'Just a few more minutes....'

You thought as you sat in your seat, you were currently in math class. Your leg bounced impatiently as you kept your eyes on the clock that was hung over the door. '5...4...3...2...1' You heard the bell ring, meaning that school was over. You quickly grabbed your stuff and bolted to your locker, packed up the stuff you needed, and rushed out of school.

"Y/N!" You heard a familiar voice yell. You stopped in your tracks and looked behind you. It was Sam, you and Sam were inseparable, like two peas in a pod!

"Sam!" You exclaimed with glee. Sam rushed over to you and enveloped you in a tight hug, which you returned. After a while, you two let go of each other. "So, how was your classes?" You asked Sam as you both started to walk down the sidewalk to the ice cram store.

"Eh, the usual, you know how it is." Sam replied. You nodded in understatement. In a few classes you and Sam have together, Will has terrorized you and Sam, it was getting quite old being beaten up and shoved against the lockers, well, that happened to you, you honestly didn't know what Will has done to Sam.

"Well we're here!" You said with a goofy grin. You opened the door for Sam.

"Thanks Y/N!" Sam thanked.

"Your welcome Sam!" You responded with a bow, making Sam chuckle. Once Sam was in the ice cream shop, you stepped inside and closed the door.

"Hay, isn't that your dad?" Sam asked, pointing at a tall male with charcoal black hair that was an inch or two below his shoulders.

"Holy shit, your right!" You said with a grin. You ran twords your dad, Henry, and hugged him, almost knocking him over. Henry looked at you and hugged you back. "Hay dad." You said.

"Hay kiddo! School out so early?" Henry asked jokingly. You snickered.

"No, it's 3:30 dad!" You said. "Where's Austin?" You asked as you and Henry let go of each other.

"He's in the bathroom N/N (Nick name)." Henry said. You nodded. After a few seconds Austin walked out of the bathroom, once he saw you, he jogged over to you and Henry.

"Austin!" You said with a grin.

"Hay Y/N." Austin greeted. After a few minutes of talking with your dad and Austin, you decided to buy yourself and Sam some ice cream. Once you paid for the ice cream, you walked over to Sam and handed her an ice cream.

"Thanks Y/N!" Sam said, and she started to eat her ice cream. Henry grinned, he had always loved to tease you about your strong relationship with Sam. After a few hours of hanging out with Sam, you decided to beat your dad home. You walked out of the ice cream shop and walked home. On your way home, you saw William and his friends. You panicked and quickly walked, but to your demise William saw you. He rushed over to you and knocked you over into the mud. You groaned a bit.

"Hay, blood bucket!" William said toxicly. He called you 'Blood Bucket' because you liked to see blood and gore, you got it from your father.

"Leave me alone, William!" You said bitterly. 'Another good day turned horrible...' You thought.

"Hmm... I mean, I would, but what would be the fun in that?" William said with a grin.

"HAY!" You heard a familiar voice that you were relieved to hear yelled. You saw Sam running twords you. Once Sam reached you, she helped you get up, but you yelp from an itching pain in your leg, making Sam quickly put her arm around you. "Are you ok Y/N?" Sam asked worriedly.

"I-I think so, I think my leg hit a rock though." You replied. Sam nodded and set you down on a broken tree limb or a log that was lying on the ground. Sam walked up to William.

"Why the hell did you hurt Y/N?!" Sam yelled. William just chuckled, Sam scoffed knowing she woulden't get an answer. Sam punched William in the face, making him stumble back a bit.

"D-damn..." William mumbled. Sam punched William again, but this time in the stomach. William groaned in pain.

"C'mon guys, I didn't come to pick on Y/N just to get beaten up by a girl." William said bitterly. William and his friends fled the scene. Sam chuckled a bit and walked twords you, extending her hand for you to grab. You grabbed her hand, and which she helped you up, brought you close to her and wrapped her arm around you so you woulden't fall.

"I'm gonna call your dad, kay'?" Sam said. You nodded and handed Sam your phone since she didn't have your dad's phone number. "Hay, Mr. Morris!" Sam said enthusiastically.

~Time Skip~

You are currently lying on the couch, a bandage wrapped around your wounded leg. Sam is lying next to you, playing with your hair. She then put your head on her chest, you felt your cheeks heat up, You and Sam are watching some cartoons.

"I love you Y/N.." Sam said softly. You smiled a bit and snuggled closer to her.

"I love you too Sam." You replied. Sam smiled and turned to her side to cuddle closer to you. Henry saw you and Sam cuddling. You fell asleep quickly, and so did Sam. Henry walked to your room and grabbed your blanket and put it over you and Sam.

A/N- I hope you guys enjoyed! also, sorry for not uploading for awhile! I'mma make it up to you guys!

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