Another Corrupted Mii x Mii Reader

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A/N- Requested By _GhostSmiles_ Enjoy!

It was just another boring day in the Mii Channel. Right now you're in a racoon onesie, somehow you were able to get ahold of a racoon onesie, but anyway, you are hiding in the electric chair room, you were tired of hiding, it was making you insane. You looked around, making shure no one is around, once you noticed it was clear, you walked to the Mii Channel and sat down, oddly there wasn't anyone here. You sighed softly, you wished you could talk to someone, anyone! You sighed again and grabbed your phone and put on your headphones. You scrolled through YouTube, looking for your favorite song, once you found it you clicked it and the song started to play. You smiled softly and laid down on the cold floor of the Mii Channel.

~Corrupted Mii's POV~

I had grew bored of torturing Henry and decided to walk around the Mii Channel. While I was walking I saw another mii, this one had (Y/H/C) hair, and a racoon onesie?  They appeared to be listening to music. 'Weird.' I thought. 'I thought me and Henry were the only ones to be trapped here.' My thoughts were interrupted from soft snoring. I looked at the mii laying on the ground. I chuckled a bit and walked over to the mii and picked them up bridal style. I headed to the electric chair room, once I got there I set the person/mii on the ground and waited for them to wake up.

~Time Skip~

No one's POV- You awoke a few hours after Corrupted Mii found you. You immediately noticed that you're back in the electric chair room.

"Huh, that's weird.." You mumbled to yourself. You heard footsteps walking towards you. You slightly jumped, you didn't know that there was someone else here. You then saw a tall mii, well he had the head of a mii, but with a meatal body.

"Hmm, so you're awake." The unknown mii said. His voice was glitchy, but you knew what he said.

"W-who are y-you?" You asked in fright.

"I'm the Corrupted Mii..... Who are you?" The Corrupted Mii asked.

"Y-Y/N..." You stuttered. The Corrupted Mii nodded.

"How did you get here?" He asked.

"W-well, I was shocked by something, then I was reborn as my mii..." You explained.

"Huh, just like Henry...." Corrupted Mii mumbled. "Well, I guess we're stuck on this Wii..."

"Yea..." You said softly.

After a few days from your encounter with Corrupted Mii, you became very fond of him, you and Corrupted Mii became inseparable friends! And maybe, just maybe..... You two could be more....

A/N- I hope you guys liked this chapter! I know it took me awhile to get this one chapter out but I kinda had writer's block and I wrote the first draft in one of my notebooks.... Well Byeee!

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