Eteled x Goth!Reader

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A/N- There is no pic this time, sorry! Requested By _GhostSmiles_  Thanks for requesting!! Enjoy!

You've been stuck inside all day and had nothing to do, it was a rainy day after all. You were laying down on the couch until you had an idea, you got up and decided to talk to Eteled. You turned on your TV and then your Wii Console. You grabbed your black Wii remote and pressed the 'A' button, and went to the Mii Channel where you saw Eteled laying down in the middle of the Mii channel, he looked bored. Eteled looked at you and slightly jumped. He got up quickly.

"Oh, hay Y/N!" Eteled said with his usual grin.

"Hay Eteled..." You said softly. You and Eteled talked about some random stuff, he thought it was kinda cool that you were goth, he was confused but he also was really supportive.

"Do you want to play some Wii Sports?" Eteled asked.

"Shure..." You said with a soft smile. You got off of the Mii Channel and put in the Wii Sports disk, once the game loaded you chose the sport you wanted to play and chose to play as Eteled. You both had a really great time but it soon turned to 12 and you had to go to sleep. "Hay Eteled, I need to go to bed ok?" You asked. Eteled could clearly see the sleepiness in your eyes. He nodded.

"Ok Y/N, see you tomorrow then!" He said with a smile. You nodded and turned off the Wii and your TV. You got into your bed and drifted off to sleep. You kept thinking about Eteled, you didn't know why but, you were very attracted to him, well you'll have to think about it tomorrow.....

A/N- I hope you guys enjoyed this! This chapter was rushed, so I hope it isn't that bad. Byee!  

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