Henry x reader Fluff

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A/N- The picture above is not mine! Credit goes to TheMaskedChris (On youtube). Requested by Fl0w3rPap3r.

You've worked for Nintendo for a while and had a few friends, Jonathan, Mike, Austin, and Henry. Though you were close friends with Henry, Austin didn't acknowledge Henry's existence because Henry laid low and only talked to you because you were the only one who wanted to get to know him. Though you had a crush on the guy you hid your feelings, but sometimes that didn't work, you would often blush around him which made him worried. Right now you are in the break room drinking a coffee with Henry, He got a bit closer to you making you blush but pretended to not notice it. Henry looked at you, he looked a bit confused but smirked and held your hand making blush a bit more.

"H-Henry." You stuttered and looked at him but stopped yourself because you noticed that you both were really close. Henry smirked. You sighed. You were still blushing which didn't make the situation any better. Jonatan and Mike walked into the room and saw you and Henry, the you both were quick to see Mike and Jonathan. You and Henry quickly let go of each other's free hand and a few inches away from each other. You looked at your coffee and Henry looked at the ground.

"Ok... Uhmm..." Jonathan said.

"Pretend that never happend...." You said sternly to Jonathan, he nodded a bit and glanced at Mike who was looking at you, but then looked at Jonathan.

"What?" Mike asked.

"Nothing." Jonathan said. "Hay, Y/N do you want to hang out with me and Mike later?"

"Shure!" You said. Henry grabbed your hand and glanced at you.

"Kay! Me and Mike were gonna go to (Y/F/R) (Your favorite restaurant)." Jonathan said.

"Ok! What time?" You asked.

"Hmm so work ends in about 2 hours, soo...." Jonathan mumbled to himself. "Hmm, how about 3 hours from now? Which is 4-ish?" Jonathan said. You nodded.

"Ok! I can do that." You said. Jonathan smiled a bit.

"Well I've gotta go back to work see ya Y/N!" Jonathan said before he walked out the door.

"Same, I don't want ditch the rest of work." Mike said. You softly chuckled.

"Kay, see ya Mike!" You said. Mike nodded and walked off, leaving you and Henry in a awkward atmosphere.

"Um, Y/N..." Henry said softly, but loud enough for you to hear.

"Yeah?" You asked. You looked up at Henry since he was taller than you. You were about the same height as Austin.

"W-will you be mine?" Henry asked. This time Henry was the flustered one. 

"Yes!" You said with confidence. You then smirked and grabbed Henry by the collar of his shirt making him yelp. You then kissed him. Henry looked shocked for a few seconds but he then closed his eyes and melted into the kiss. Luckily no one saw you two, or that's what you both thought. Once you and Henry pulled away you both noticed Austin looking at you both with wide eyes. You and Henry looked at Austin.

"What the f-" Austin was then cut off.

"Not.A.Word." You said plainly. Henry chuckled a bit. Austin then rushed off. You then looked at the clock. "I guess we better go back to work.." You said. Henry nodded. You had already let go of the collar of Henry's shirt. You and Henry held hands and walked to your work space. The best thing was, you and Henry work together! Though your probably going to be asked a lot of questions by Austin...

A/N-I hope you guy's enjoyed this chapter! Byee! 

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