The first confession

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A/N- Well, I guess I'm making another scenario chapter! Enjoy! Also, I'm adding Todd! If you guys haven't seen the Wii Deleted You Aftermath part 2 by TheMaskedChris, then please watch it above! Also here's a key: (Y/F/C)- Your favorite cookie.

Kyle- You were the first one to confess since Kyle was too scared to admit his love for you.

"Hay, Kyle?" You asked.

"Y-yes Y/N..." Kyle felt his cheeks heat up.

"I-I really like you..... Alot.... Will you be m-mine?" You asked shyly. Kyle just looked at you blankly before kissing you.

Sam- Lol you were too chicken to confess.

Henry- You both wanted to confess to each other. Henry left a note on your desk telling you to meet him at his place after work, you then flipped the note over and saw his address. "Ok...." You whispered. After work you walked to Henry's apartment, you noticed that it wasn't that messy, it way homey..

"So, Y/N... We've been friends for... Awhile now, and I've developed strong feelings for you.... Now I hope this doesn't make you hate me, but....." And with that Henry kissed you, you were taken aback by this, but you kissed him back.

"I love you Henry.."

Austin- He was the one to confess, you met his at a coffee shop, and he bought you a coffee and (Y/F/C). You told him he didn't have to buy you stuff, but he dismissed what you told him and accidentally blurted out his love for you.

"Austin, you don't have to buy me stuff." You said as you drank a bit of your coffee.

"C'mon Y/N! You say that all the time! I do it because I love you." Austin said. He then covered his mouth and a visible crimson red hue covered his cheeks. You smirked.

"I love you too Austin." You said. You then kissed his cheek and continued to drink your coffee and eat your cookie.

Eteled- He told you to check your Wii Message Board because he wrote you something. The message said this: "How is it that you are real? My dreams never created something like you. I still have to pinch myself, because I'm amazed you are true. Y/N, will you be mine?"

You blushed from the poem Eteled wrote for you. "Yes." You said with confidence. Eteled then appeared on the screen with a wide grin. You smiled softly. 

Corrupted Mii- You honestly didn't know how to confess to him, you were going to have to muster up some courage and at least say and 'I love you' to him. You turned on the Wii and almost immediately, Corrupted Mii made the screen go to the electric chair room since that's where Corrupted Mii was. Your heart skipped a beat apon the sight of your crush.

"HeLLo, Y/n~" Corrupted Mii said with a slight purr to his voice.

"Hay, C-Corrupted Mii!" You said.

"I hAVe some ThinG To telL you...." Corrupted Mii said.

"Ok, what is it?" You asked.

"I l-LovE Y-yoU." Corrupted Mii admitted. Well, you had your work cut out for you!

"I love you too!" You said as a red blush coated your cheeks.

 A/N- I'm going to make Todd a separate chapter mates! I hope you enjoyed! 

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