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IT WAS PEACEFUL. There were no people trying to kill her, no one prodding her, or asking her too many questions.

Charlie was peaceful.

To be more specific, she was flying. Flying beside the air craft Steve is in.

She had joined him on this mission. Charlie did not feel comfortable flying in a plane- a closed off space- with all those people so she told them she would get to their destination "another way". They just didn't know that the "other way" was in her own pair of wings.

Charlie would like to keep them in the dark.

Steve knows what she can do. No, not the full extent (the killing), but he does know she can fly. He's never seen it, yet he finds the power amazing.

Charlie calls it a chemical accident.

"So, this Dr. Banner was trying to replicate the serum they used on me?" Charlie could hear Steve ask through the earpieces they both had put in prior to leaving.

He was reading over the packet once more. Charlie had read all the information on everyone she would be around, who may have an advantage on her. She had it engraved in her mind, not letting a single fact escape.

"A lot of people were. You were the world's first superhero. Banner thought gamma radiation might hold the key to unlocking Erskine's original formula." Agent Phil Coulson explains to the Captain.

"Didn't really go his way, did it?" Charlie mutters the same time Steve tells Coulson.

She smiles slightly, letting a soft giggle flow through.

Steve smiles widely, beaming at her reaction he could only hear.

Charlie realizes what she is doing, cutting off all her noise immediately.

"Not so much. When he's not that thing, though, the guy's like a Stephen Hawking."

Charlie's eyebrows squint in confusion. She did not recognize the name. He was not in the packet.

Steve must have showed confusion too because Coulson responds with, "he's like a smart person."

Charlie nods to herself, jotting that down in her head.

"I gotta say, it's an honor to meet you officially. I've sort of met you. I mean, I watched you while you were sleeping. I mean, I was present while you were.. unconscious from the ice."

Charlie cringed at his wording, knowing Steve would feel very uncomfortable at that.

"Sounds like you have a fan, Stevie." Charlie talks to Steve through their comms.

She heard footsteps, assuming they were walking around in the plane.

"You know, it's really just a- just a huge honor to have you on board this..."

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