Fifty Five - Alexandria.

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"Lydia? You're Daryl's daughter?"

"I don't think that's any of your buisness." I spat

"Yep. You're Daryl's daughter, I'm just gonna ask you some questions okay?"

"I guess that's fine..."

"So have you ever lived in a place as big as this?"

"Twice. The first time was at the prison it was my home for almost two years, we lost it a while ago..."

"And the second place?"

"They were cannibals."


"They said it was a sanctuary that we'd be safe... but they took our friends then locked us up."

"Well...uh let's move on shall we? How do you cope around people you don't know well?"

"I cope as good as anyone else."

"Okay, now this is the final question...are you ready?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Has anyone close to you died?"

"I don't see how it's your buisness."

"This is for the safety of my group swell as yours..."

"Eighteen people."

"Were any of them family?"

"All of them were family." I hissed defensively.

"I mean blood related family."

"Five of them were My mom, My step-dad, My uncle Merle, My brother Luke and My baby."

"Oh well I'm so for your losses, now how about we have somebody walk you back to your house so you can get settled in?" Deanna offered



"How did it go with Deanna?" Rick asked

"Okay I guess, has my dad even tried to settle yet?"

"No, he's not even tried to talk to anyone..."

"He just hasn't- Rick?"

"What is it?"

"Where did everyone go?"

"Oh no..."

It was just me and rick, everyone else had been walking ahead and we'd somehow gotten separated. I was panicking, I was so worried that Alexandria would turn out to be like Woodbury or Terminus...

"Rick? Are you okay?" A woman with blonde hair asked

"No... it's the others...they were walking ahead and we got separated!"

"It's okay...I have an idea where they might be... Alex and Margo Jameson, they had eight kids and fifteen grandkids."

And she was right Carl and Judith were stood talking to a old couple on the front porch of a large house. Judith was wrapped safely in his arms and he held a smile on his face as he happily talked to the pair.

"She's gonna have to put up with some pinched cheeks." The woman laughed, "I'm Jessie."

"I'm Lydia." I smiled

"I have a son who would love to meet you and Carl, he's got some friends too, I mean if that's okay with you rick? You are her dad right?"

"Oh, I'm not her dad, Daryl's her dad but I'm sure he won't mind. Just grab Carl and meet us back at the house later."

"Okay, thanks rick!"


"I'm Ron, that's Mikey , that's Rachel, that's blake, that's Luke and that's Enid, wanna play some videogames?"

"Luke?" I gasped

"Lyds, I thought I'd never see you again!" I quickly ran into my brothers arms, with tears falling down my face, he buried his face into my neck as he began to sob hard.

"Is dad here? Is everyone alive?"

"Yeah we all made it..."

A smile lit up across his face, similar to the one I was wearing myself.

"Woah... are you two dating?" Blake spoke up, causing Carl to laugh and Enid to roll her eyes.

"They're brother and sister idiot." She hissed

"I never caught either of your names..." Mikey said

"Lydia and Carl."

"Well it's nice to meet you both, and Carl? It's okay if you don't wanna talk, it took Enid two months before she even spoke."

"Well...let's play some video games..."

Everybody else drew their attention towards the large flat screen TV, leaving me and Luke to talk out in the hallway. He looked worried about what our talk would be about, but truly so was I. I was terrified inside and out to find out what had happened to my brother in the day he'd been alone.

"What happened to you out there? You didn't come back, I thought you were dead..."

"You want all the details?"

"All of them. Now."

"I went out there to kill myself, I hated the fact you'd been so unhappy that you wanted to die, I convinced myself somehow that it was my fault, I convinced myself everything was my fault, The prison, Terminus, Tyreese... Beth..."

"Then what?"

"I was gonna hang myself from a tree, but I couldn't bring myself to do it, I tried to walk back but I couldn't find you guys and that's when Aaron found me, he brought me back here and said he was going to bring you all here and he did."

"Don't ever feel this way again Luke, we may only be half siblings but that doesn't mean I don't care about you more than anything. I've barely known you two years, but you will always be my brother, no matter what, okay?"

"Okay, thank you so much for being the best little sister I could ever have..."

"I love you."

"I love you so much more..."

Okay so this is mega short but I've had so much to do this week so I've not had much chance to work on it, but yay she found Luke and new characters!

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