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Queen of Anga smiled in content as soon as her Chief maid disappeared from her line of vision. The very next instant she walked away from the amusing gaze of peoples around the temple. She sped walked in a hurry to escape from them not bothering to keep track of the way she is heading. She aimlessly paced and came to a halt once she is sure now she is far away from the temple, but sadly she were unaware of the fact that the path she chose to escape were led to the dense forest near the borders of Anga.

Not only that her attention easily got carried away by the strange flowers all around her, no time or how long she travelled doesn't matter to her anymore. And the journey to the deeper forest only fascinated her.

Her skirt which were dragging her down by getting stuck on small woods and thorns got tore at the bottom and she were least concerned about that. But her rose petal feets which is now bright red by the amount of strain she took by walking for long came to a halt at one particular sight, nevertheless she walked forward by fixing her gaze on a.....

Butterfly....on a reddish yellow  flower.....

But before she could catch it in her palms ,it flew high and there start the chase. Squealing lightly she ran behind it giggling. It always tactically slipped away from her fingertips making her more determined. But it made her stumble upon the end of a cliff and gasping she fell backward saving herself from a nasty fall into the valley.

She helplessly watched the one of the tricky butterfly moving farther away from her. Sighing she took a look down at the cliff to see a roaring river flowing down in all it's might. 

Not even bothering to check around she took a seat on the nearby rock all tiredly and it didn't took that long for her to close her eyes and fall right on the trap of slumber. The cool breeze from the other end of the cliff lulled her affectionately with a caress to her soft skin. 


Chief maid of Queen were biting off her nail nervously at the fact that girl didn't returned even after hours, Now it is time for sunset and there is still no sign of the Queen. She ran out to the back gate on seeing the two guards she send to bring back that bratty girl.

But she almost fainted seeing them alone and the information passed by them not at all helping, " The temple have already closed for the next one year and no one is around that area!! "

Malini held the nearest pillar for a support and gulped in fear. She said to herself in horror, " Narayan....where is she?? How am gonna find her, it's night already!! "

Malini sobbed silently, what she gonna tell to the King. To her luck the royal court were going on for a long. But no more she could hide the absence of the Queen from King, she have to inform him. Oh Narayan!! His wrath will be the end of her.



The King of Anga whose entire stance meant to scream nothing but royalty rose from his throne after one long tiring day in court. He dismissed ministers of other kingdoms who invited themselves to Anga to propose more trades between the kingdoms. Despite the time spend to make them all bend towards his terms and conditions, all ended up successfull.

Before Karna could retire to his chamber, the prime minister of his kingdom approached to get his permission, " Maharaj....Can I make arrangements for your journey tomorrow?? "

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