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Ahh... nothing like the sweet smell of old wood, sweat, and strong alcohol. It's good to be back home,  Y/N thought as she happily walked through the halls of base. After receiving praises and even receiving a celebratory dinner for consistently having the highest streak of kills and assists on record, Commander Erwin decided to give Y/N a much needed vacation. She didn't want to but Erwin insisted... practically begged her to go and take a breather. Y/N has always been the type to overwork herself until she damn near falls out. She strives to be number one at everything and her goal is to become a Squad leader and maybe even top commander some day.

As Y/N was getting settled in her room, she decided to go and see everyone in the dining hall. As she walked in, it was eerily quiet. There was some chatter but a lot less than usual. What could have possibly happened?

"HEYOOOOO, Y/N YOU'RE BAAAACK!" Hange screamed from across the room, "COME, COME, COME...HEY, HEY, HEY!" Her screaming caused everyone to have all eyes on her. As Y/N was walking through the room, she nodded and greeted the people she recognized. She noticed there were a few new faces that she didn't recognize as well. Guess there's a few new recruits on board. Tuh, good luck getting to my level, She whispered to herself.

Y/N was elated seeing her friends again after a whole 2 weeks. "Geez Hange, I hardly could tell how excited you were just by seeing my face again." Y/N stated sarcastically. Hange smiled, "Well maybe I should have just ran up and jumped on you instead! Come here Y/N!" Suddenly, Y/N's left and right arm were being pulled simultaneously.

"Stop it Hange! You'll break her!" Nanaba hissed.

"Boooo, you're no fun!" Hange teased.

Oh how Y/N missed their interactions with one another. After a moment, Miche came over and joined as usual. "GREAT", Hange yelped, "The whole gangs here and reunited! Now let me tell you all about what I discovered while exploring the inside of a titans-"

"NO!" Miche and Nanaba yelled at the same time. Y/N started to chuckle.

"We haven't seen Y/N in weeks.", Miche stated, "It's her time to shine. Now us tell Y/N, how was your relaxing time off?"

Y/N clears her throat in a dramatic fashion...

 "Here we go...." Hange whispered to Miche and Nanaba. 

Y/N then stands up, "Well you see, I didn't want to lag behind anyone in training. So I took it upon myself and went out to the dangerous world of the wilderness. I climbed mountains and really big rocks. OH and I crossed over river banks and I slept in the woods the whole time. It was invigorating. I caught my own food and even got poisoned at one point!". Hange, Miche, and Nanaba just stared at Y/N. She was making such a huge scene about overworking herself once again.

Miche: Um, Y/N? ...That time-off that Erwin gave you was so that you can relax ... not exercise.

"I know but LOOK AT THIS..." Y/N shouted. She then pulled her shirt off in front of the whole dining hall, and everyone in the room gasped. 

"OH RELAX EVERYONE DON'T HAVE A TITTY ATTACK. I HAVE A TANK TOP ON SHEESH..." Y/N then flexed her arm and back muscles. "YOU SEE MICHE?" Y/N then gave Miche a swift hard punch to the arm.

Miche: OWW, UM YEAH I SEE! I think we all could have seen, without you having to demonstrate on me though.

Y/N grabs Miche by wrapping her arm around his neck and squeezing him while viciously rubbing his head, "I MISSED YOU MICHE! SO OF COURSE I NEEDED MY DEMONSTRATION BUDDY! DID YOU MISS ME?!" She shouted.

"Ow Ow OW, Y/N! ...Haha!!", Miche squealed. Nanaba and Hange are just watching and eating while everyone else in the dining hall just stares in shock. Y/N was always so aggressive and loud.

Nanaba sighed, "You're causing a scene again and Y/N..... you're going to break him, you are like supernaturally strong and you know it. Relax girl."

"Mhm, yeah you're right, I am strong! Teehee!" Y/N says while sitting down and dramatically kissing her biceps.

Miche snickered and sighed, "....and still just as extra as ever." . Everyone starts laughing.

While everyone is eating and chatting away, Y/N felt a shiver down her spine, like someone was staring into her. She takes a second to look around. I mean .. a few people were staring which was common in her case, but something felt different. Y/N then glanced over to her right side of the room and found a pair of eyes directly staring in her direction. It was like this guy was staring at her with murderous intent. Who in the hell? She stared back, without so much as a blink. You can't intimidate me newbie, Y/N thought to herself.

"Are you good Y/N?" Hange asks. Y/N didn't respond and just kept staring at those eyes. Hange nervously laughs, "If you're curious about that little fella right there, he's Erwin's new recruit, his name is---"

Suddenly Hange was cut off when Y/N accidentally spills water on her pants. "PFFTTT...HAHAHA..." everyone at the table starts to laugh.

Nanaba: Wow, Y/N, still as tough as ever yet always clumsy and as ungraceful as ever. Either drink or intimidate a new cadet, pick a side. Haha!

Y/N stands up, "Hehe, I got carried away. Well, I'm done eating now anyways. I guess I'll go change and head to my meeting with Erwin."

Nanaba: See you later and Good Luck Y/N!

Everyone smiled as Y/N was walking away. Y/N then stops before leaving out the cafeteria. "OH AND ONE MORE THING EVERYONE!" Y/N shouts in front of everyone. "I AM BY NO MEANS INTIMIDATED BY ANYONE AROUND HERE!" Y/N creepily chuckles. "HAVE A BLESSED NIGHT EVERYONE." Y/N waves and walks out the dining hall.

All the cadets stare  and whisper as she walks away , She's so god damn dramatic and for what though? Who in the hell would even want to intimidate her? Shit, I don't have a fucking death wish. I hear that! 

 Her friends just laughed.

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