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A couple of weeks later

It was night fall and training was over for the day. Y/N did some paperwork took a hot shower and washed her hair. As she was in the mirror detangling her hair, she heard weird noises coming from her office, I swear I locked the damn door! Y/N then heard heavy footsteps. She got startled, maybe someone broke in her window. She then threw a towel on and tiptoed out her room. The office was completely dark but she saw a shadow.

"MOTHERFUCKER AHHHHH..." she quickly ran and jumped on top of the shadow.


Y/N quickly got off him, "Whew, Levi you gave me a heart attack! Geez!". She then walked over and lit up a few candles and the fireplace. Levi stood there staring at her with an attitude while unpacking the bags he brought, "Tch... Y/N I told your ass I was coming by tonight remember? What the fuck.." . She started scratching her head with an innocent smile, "I uhhh.. I think I forgot, I'm sorry Levi... Teehee." She smiled at him but his face was still stern but not with anger though. Y/N couldn't tell what emotion he had on his face. She then walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, "I'm sorry Levi.." she giggled and started kissing him. He kissed back but then stopped and gave her ass a big slap. "OUCH LEVI!" she laughed.

Levi smirked, "You're getting my clothes wet Y/N...". She laughed, "You'll be okay Levi... come.. let's cuddle in front of the fire. You brought the snacks right!?". She then grabbed his hand and they both got blankets and set up a indoor mini picnic. Levi chucked, "Oh, so you remember snacks but not me coming by? Wow.".  Y/N laughed and stuck up her middle finger & he playfully rolled his eyes. They then ate together while cuddling, laughing, and talking for hours.

Y/N became lost in thought, I love this.. this feeling I used to hate. Now I never want it to end. Levi is the only person to be able to make me feel this way. He's comforting. I thought it was just the sex but we're not doing anything sexual at this moment and I'm more than ok with that. What is this? This goes against how ... I was raised and I'm terrified... She quickly snapped out of it and sighed. She then scooted in closer to Levi. He kissed her head and held her tighter while drawing little circles on her arm.

Levi got lost in his thoughts too, I don't know how it came to this. I wasn't expecting this to become so intense and intimate. Now I just want to be with her and be beside her. I want to protect her and I want to carry her burdens. I just know she's carrying a big one and she's holding it in. I want to be the one to help her. I'm in love with her. But I won't tell her. Not yet... but as of this moment... this isn't what friends with benefits do and we're not together... So what is this?

They then looked into each other's eyes and started melting into one another with a long passionate kiss.


One week later

Today was one of those rare days where there was no training; just heavy labor and taking care of the walls assisting the Garrison Regiment. With Levi and Y/N's squad being the strongest squad, they covered the outermost wall, Wall Maria. On days like this they do things like building and re-loading weapons/ canons, walking around to kill any titans that pile up too closely to the wall, and now they were also refocusing on enforcing a stronger structure for the hole that was formerly in the wall.

Levi and Y/N were having a conversation when suddenly an abnormal titan started to run back and forth and slamming it's body against the wall. More and more came into that one area and starting piling up on one another. This was causing the area to shake.


"OH NO!!!". Suddenly, one of the cadets loses their balance and falls down the outside wall. Y/N quickly sprung into action to run after him and jumps off the wall. Levi panicked, "Y/N NO! FUCK... SHIT!". He quickly ran over to the edge of the wall. Y/N fell on the ground with her arm underneath the unconscious cadet. She broke his fall by slamming herself onto the ground before he did.

Suddenly, some of the titans on the ground started to quickly surround Y/N and the Cadet.

Levi: SHIT! Cadets, we're going in! Take down those 4 of those eight meter abnormals, and I'll take the rest down! GO!

Levi and 2 other cadets swooped in and killed the Titans that was closest to them . Y/N was frozen and she couldn't move. She was trembling with the Cadet in her arms. Levi was worried, Why the hell isn't she moving?! Levi screamed, "Y/N SNAP OUT OF IT AND MOVE YOUR ASS!". Y/N then shook her head and widened her eyes. Be strong be strong... She then picked up the unconcious cadet and used her ODM gear to attach herself to the titans back. She swiftly hauled the cadet on her shoulder, took out her blades and killed every titan she came across to move her way back up towards the wall.


Cadets: YES MA'AM !

They swiftly followed Y/N's orders. Levi and the other 2 cadets were still finishing off killing the titans that were going crazy. Y/N wanted to help...she had to. But just as she was about to run in and help she heard Levi scream, "Y/N DON'T YOU DARE MOVE ANOTHER MUSCLE OR SO HELP ME GOD I WILL BEAT YOUR ASS! STAND THE FUCK DOWN!". Y/N froze for a moment...There's no way I can do that. I can't... She then snapped out of her thoughts and used her ODM gear to swiftly move in and start killing off a few of the titans that were left. Levi became LIVID with anger. She was already killing titans and there was nothing he could say or do to stop her at this point.

Once the walls were finally secured and eased down, the 4 retreated back to the wall.

Levi: Thank you Cadets. You may retreat and head back to base now. I really appreciate what you did out there. I am impressed.

The two cadets excitedly saluted and ran off, Did you see that!? Oh my god, Captain Y/N is a beast!! She's amazing! So was Captain Levi! They're both amazing!

As soon as the 2 cadets were out of sight Levi angrily turned and stared at Y/N with murderous eyes. When she looked at him, he noticed she looked defeated but her voice and demeanor was as cheerful as ever though, "Levi, I told you I am strong, I handled it. Everyone is safe and alive. Don't underestimate again Ackerman!", she smiled and dramatically kissed her biceps. Levi didn't respond. She winked at him and then started walking back to retreat back to base. Levi still stood there with anger and shock, "Y/N ... What the fuck wa-".

Y/N cut him off, " Let's go Levi! We don't have all day silly! I am beat and I really need some food and a nice bath too.". Her smile was so cheerful but Levi found this extremely odd. Something was wrong but what was it?

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