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12 days go by and Y/N was still unconcious the entire time but thankfully her vitals signs were improved and her surgery was a success. Levi tried to stay by her side as much as possible when he had downtime or when he wasn't busy training cadets, on an expedition, or in a meeting. Nanaba, Hange, Miche, and Moblit would also visit Y/N as well. They all, including Erwin, collectively decided not to tell any of the Cadets what happened to Y/N in fear that both her and the Cadets wouldn't take it too well mentally. So the cadets were told that Y/N was on a temporary leave of absence and Erwin would take the time to help Levi with his squad.

Both Levi and Erwin were training the cadets on the fields today after completing another expedition. Erwin has been noticing Levi acting very spacey and in a daze. He notices that Levi's also been loosing sleep more than usual. Erwin grew very concerned.

Erwin: So Levi, I know you've been in and out the infirmary checking in on Y/N, any updates? Is she doing well? I have to admit I am a bit worried.

Levi: She's... *he clutches his fists* She's doing alright. Her vital signs are almost back to normal and her surgery went well but she's still unconcious... I just...I don't know.

Erwin nodded in response not saying a word. After a moment of silence between the two, Erwin glanced at Levi and saw an unfamiliar look of extreme sorrow on his face. Erwin quietly gasped in shock and then he sighed, "You know Levi, you need a few days off yourself... ". Levi looked up at Erwin with an annoyed glare, "No. I don't need damn thing Erwin. I can handle-", Erwin cut him off mid sentence, " That wasn't an option, that was an order. Now get out of here Levi, NOW.". Levi stared at Erwin in shock, he then rolled his eyes and started to angrily stomp away, "Tch... whatever Erwin. I'll see you later...". Erwin smiled and waved goodbye.

Levi went straight to the infirmary to be by Y/N's side. Nanaba was also on her way to the infirmary to get an update on Y/N before heading to her squad. When she arrived, to her surprise, she saw Levi holding Y/N's hand up to face as he was softly crying. Nanaba stood in shock, I've never seen Levi cry or show any strong emotions like this before. This is so out of character..., she thought. She then started to hear Levi faintly speak.

Levi: Y/N please wake up... You don't have always be strong and you don't always have to do it alone. Let me take care of you. I'm right here... Please wake up... I... I love you...

He then kisses her hand while silent tears fall from his face. Nanaba gasped in shock and her mouth dropped. Her face turned a bright red as she sped walked away from the infirmary, I knew it... Shit, I fucking knew it. UGH, THOSE TWO! I'll just check on Y/N later with Hange. I can't believe this!

After a few hours go by, Levi falls asleep in the chair next to Y/N still holding her hand tightly. While he was still sleeping, Y/N starts to fidget and eventually opens her eyes, Woah. How long was I out? She looked around and sighed. She then looked down to see Levi holding her hand tight as he was twitching in his sleep. Y/N smiled and kissed him on his forehead, He's the sweetest... so cute. The nurse walked in the room and was shocked to see Y/N awake. Y/N placed her finger over her lips to tell the nurse to stay quiet for Levi's sake. The nurse nodded smiled and walked out.

2 hours later...

Levi started to slowly wake up. As he was waking up he heard the sound of a faint laughter before he opened his eyes, What the fuck?! Is... Is that Y/N's obnoxious laugh?.. He then gasped and jolted up from his sleep.

"Y/N?! " Levi yelled. She smiled, "Hey sleepyhead, Did you miss m---" Levi grabbed her face and started to passionately kiss her lips. She returned the kiss and caressed his hair and head. Tears fell from her face as the kiss deepened, Levi...I .. I think I love him, Y/N thought. It seemed like they were kissing forever. That is until suddenly...

Miche: AHEM....

Levi jumped, "Shit....".

Moblit stared with his mouth wide open in shock while Miche started laughing. Y/N was blushing hard. Levi then awkwardly sat back down on his chair looking as annoyed as ever. Y/N quickly wiped her tears away and dramatically fixed her hair. She then glared at the Miche and Moblit," Don't you two say anything about this to my girls before I do it first, got it?!" she stated with an aggressive tone.

Moblit: Ye-Ye-Yes ma'am...

Miche: *snickers* Wait, wait, wait... So are you two a thing? Are you together? I'm confused on what's going on here...

Y/N and Levi looked at eachother with blank stares and said nothing. Suddenly the door slammed open and everyone jumped from the loud noise.

Hange and Nanaba: Y/N!!

They both ran up to her in tears and tightly hugged her.

Y/N: Girls, I missed yall too! But... I wasn't gone for that long, was I?


Nanaba let out the biggest, loudest cry ever. Everyone was shocked because Nanaba was usually always very level headed, calm, and rational. Her emotions were everywhere. Y/N smiled and kissed both of their heads as they sobbed in her arms.

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