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** 2 Months later**

Everyone is enjoying their evening eating and drinking in the dining hall. It's Friday and they all decided it time for a good meal with lots of alcohol! Hange is drunkenly going off about her new experiments and projects with Nanaba as her audience. Miche and Levi make little conversation every now and again.. and Y/N is chomping away at her food and drinking to her heart's content.

Nanaba glanced and started laughing at Y/N, "God damn Y/N...", She was tipsy, as was everyone else, "You're practically inhaling the damn alcohol.. Better be careful before you fall over. Haha" Nanaba stands up and spins around, "Like woooooooo!". Hange grabbed Nanaba as she stumbled over.

"Nanaba I think you're the one who's gotta watch it", Y/N slurred. Miche laughed and Levi smirked a little.

A couple hours have passed and everyone was flat out drunk, laughing, and joking around together. Y/N then glanced over and sat next to Levi. He seemed so relaxed. Is he even drunk? I guess alcohol doesn't faze this guy either huh?. She approached Levi with a big smile. As she sat next to him, he stared at her for about 10 seconds without speaking. Damn, how awkward can he get?  Y/N thought.

Levi: You've got some food stuck in your teeth Y/N... that's disgusting.

"WHAAAT!?" Y/N quickly turned around and removed it, "There! Geez Levi... anyways, you need to be nice to me for tonight cause I came over to give you some of this.". Y/N gave Levi a cup with clear liquid. She has a mischievous grin on her face. Levi just stared in the cup and sniffed it, "Moonshine?", he asked.

Y/N's face perked up, "Mhm! You know your stuff. This stuff is deadly, so be careful. I think you need to loosen up a bit, don't you think?". Levi just stared at Y/N. Surprisingly, his face isnt as cold as usual .. And I see no crazy eyes. Must be the alcohol. 

Levi then quickly took the shot as if it were a gulp of water, "I think I'm loosened up enough.", He stated. Y/N bursted into laughter and took her shot of Moonshine as well, "BLEGHHH... that shit burns my throat.".

After few moments, Y/N felt the alcohol kick in. She went around causing a ruckus... messing with the guys, wrestling them and making everyone laugh. Miche, Nanaba and Hange all were laughing at Y/N. "She really is one of the guys, gotta love her though." Miche said to Levi as Levi continued staring at Y/N. She then stumbles over to sit next to Levi. He just stares at her. She was so drunk. "Like what you see Mr. Ackerman, Sir Leviiiiii...?" Y/N slurred.

"Ugh... " was all Levi said with a disgusted face. Y/N bursted into laughter again, Rude ass.

Hange then stands up *clap clap* Okay let's play a game, maybe something like 21 questions? Since we got Levi in our little gang now, I think this is fitting." Hange says with a grin, "One person at a time asks a question and we all go around and answer it, if you refuse, you take a shot! Let's make this SPICY." Everyone stares and smirks at Hange.  Nanaba sighed, "Oh god... here we go..."

The game starts.

Miche: I'll start, has anyone had their first kiss?

Everyone: Yes

Hange: *turns to Levi* Wow... Even you short stuff?

Levi: Tch... Yes I have, four eyes...

Hange: That's a shocker! Anyways... ME NEXT! I'm going to turn this up a notch. So... Is anyone here a virgin?

Nanaba: *takes a shot*

Y/N: Wow Nanaba I've never seen you drink so fast Haha! Well I have no shame... I'm a virgin. I'm sure there's no guy that can even handle me anyways! I'd probably-

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