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The final days of Y/N's leave of absence quickly flew by and she was ecstatic to be finally back on the field and working again. Levi was extremely hesitant on letting her do anything extreme but Y/N made it hard to avoid. He vigilantly and annoyingly kept his eyes on Y/N at all times. Today they were finishing ODM practice with squad. There was an upcoming mission for tomorrow.

Y/N: Alright Cadets! Great work today! I'm so happy to see you all working hard and improving everyday! Please rest up and be ready for tomorrow bright and early! DISMISSED.

The cadets happily saluted, "Yes Ma'am!" They all shouted as they all scurried off back to base. Y/N felt cold shiver go down her spine and it made her drop her papers by accident. She sighed , Here we go again..., she thought. Levi angrily rushed towards her, "Y/N I told your ass to be careful! I don't want you demonstrating shit like that again! What if you hurt yourself on the gear today?".

Y/N snickered, "I'm okay Levi. You know when you watch me like that, I can feel your crazy eyes from a mile away. It sends shivers down my spine and now my papers are on the ground. Stop being a creep and a baby."

Levi rolled his eyes, "Tch... ".

Y/N rolled her eyes too, "Well anyways, let's head back, we have a meeting with Erwin right now.". Levi still stood there looking as annoyed as ever while glaring at Y/N. He didn't move a muscle.

She laughed again, "Ackerman, are just gonna stand there and gawk at me all day? Are you really that upset? Come here and help me pick up my papers.". Levi stayed still and ignored her. He was still clearly upset.

Y/N laughed again, " Tch.. Okay fine be like that and don't help me! I'm taking my sweet ass time ...". He still stared with his arms crossed while angrily eyeballing her. She then smirked as she slowly walked and seductively bent over to pick her papers up. She looked back at Levi and he was still annoyingly staring at her, angry and not phased at all. She chuckled and then playfully got on her hands and knees, slowly picking up the papers. Her ass was facing him and she was arching her back. She playfully moaned, "Maaaan I need help... All theses papers on the ground. I'm gonna be on my hands and knees all day. Ugh... I'm so dirty...". Levi still was angrily standing in the same spot, still staring at her with no reaction. Y/N got irritated, Mother fucker give me some kind of reaction! , she thought. She then purposely flopped her body forward towards a wet part of the terrain and dramatically gasped, "OH NO! My shirt! It's all wet. Aw man! *sighs* Well we should head back to go to this meeting Levi.". She grabbed her papers and stood up to face Levi. His eyes got wide in shock. She was wearing a white button up top. So when it got wet, her bright purple lace bralette was clearly shown. What made it worse was that it wasn't padded, so her nipples stuck out like sore thumbs. She was cold so they were as hard as rocks. Y/N smiled, "Come on baby. Let's go to this meeting!". Just as she was about to walk away, he grabbed her by the wrist and shouted, "Y/N YOU ARE NOT WALKING OUT LIKE THAT!". She obnoxiously laughed loudly. Levi then took his cloak off and gently placed it on her shoulders. Y/N couldn't stop laughing. He walked in front of her to buckle it in the front. She was still loudly laughing.

Levi: Tch.. You're ridiculous Y/N..

Y/N: So are you Levi...

He sighed and then pulled her in for a gentle kiss. He paused, smirked, and then roughly grabbed her by the neck. Y/N was stunned, "Levi, what are you-". He leaned in close and huskily whispered in her ear with an angry voice, " You're lucky we have to go. Otherwise I would've had to rip all of that shit off you... fucking the shit out of you senseless... making you mercilessly scream my name in this godforsaken ass forest till you lose your voice and making you forget how to use those damn legs of yours.". Y/N smirked at him. She felt herself getting wet and wanted Levi right then and there. Just as she was about to pull him in, he gently let her go.


Levi: We have a meeting to go to... Let's go babe.. NOW.

She sighed and grabbed his hand as they both walked back to base.


*Knock Knock*

Y/N and Levi awkwardly walked into the office as everyone stared. Every single leader in the entire Scout regiment was waiting and they were 10 minutes late.

Miche: Nice of you two to finally grace us with your presence *snickers*

Nanaba smacked Miche in the back of the head. Erwin gave Y/N and Levi a stern look as they both took a seat. Erwin cleared his throat, "Alrighty then... Now that everyone is here, let's start this meeting. Shall we? I want to first start off by welcoming back Y/N from her leave of absence.".

Y/N smiles and nods.

Erwin continues: As you all know we have an upcoming expedition tomorrow. Not a big one but nonetheless an expedition. I want every leader here to have a strong formation, so here is what we will proceed with...

Y/N froze, Ugh, 'strong' I absolutely despise that word now after what happened. I don't know if see myself as strong anymore. Am I still strong? But I'm not sure if I should still be? Do I still have to be strong? Is it ok? Should I? Should I be strong? I don't know... I don't know... Y/N SNAP OUT OF IT...

Erwin continues: This is called a long distance scouting formation. It should atleast lessen our chances of any casualties. That is the plan for tomorrow. The purpose of the expedition is to capture two titans for our Titan experimental research division. Therefore Hange and Moblit, you two will be giving the orders and leading this.

Hange jumps up in excitement, "YES! IM SO EXCITED!".

Moblit: Calm down Hange, sit!

Erwin: You all are strong leaders with good capable cadets in your squads so I trust that that this will be a success. Alright meeting over. You are all dismissed.

Everyone saluted and walked back to their offices. Y/N, Levi, Miche, Hange, Nanaba, and Moblit walked together to the dining hall as they chatted.

Moblit: Hange you always get so worked up about this Titan stuff and go crazy and I always have to calm you down. Please don't be crazy tomorrow...

Hange: I can't help it. It's too exciting!!! *She then grabs Moblit and squeezes him and he starts to blush*

Nanaba: HANGE YOU'RE GOING TO BREAK HIM! Let go!! Poor baby is turning red!!

Miche: *snickered* He's not turning red out of pain.. I'll tell you that...

Y/N then playfully kicks Miche giving him a stern look.

Nanaba: After this expedition... Hange and Y/N...  We are taking a shopping trip to town. That event is this upcoming weekend remember!

Levi: Tch... *rolls his eyes*

Nanaba: Oh suck it up shorty! You'll be fine!

They all laugh together again.

Y/N: Yes I can't wait!

Hange: Same here!


They all had dinner like normal and went to their rooms early for the night. Y/N usually sleeps over at Levi's or Levi comes to sleep at her place but they decided to take a break from sex for the last couple of days in order to refocus on work. They also needed the rest before tomorrow's expedition. She missed him so she stole a few of his shirts to sleep in. As Y/N was laying down and she couldn't sleep. It was annoyingly irritating. After not hearing that one word for so long and hearing it today kind of messed with her head a little. How should I act tomorrow? What should I be? How should I be? Those questions rotated and repeated in her head over and over again until she fell asleep.

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