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It was the next morning. Y/N woke up extremely early and surprisingly, Levi was still sleeping heavily. She sits up and ponders as she stares out the window at the sun beginning to rise. Last night's events are all starting to come back along with a huge headache. She also starts to recall last night's incident with Alizon, Shit... She glances at Levi sleeping, I wonder if one day he'll actually get tired of me and leave someday? What if I'm not feminine or good enough like she said? Am I even pretty enough or were those just words said because of how I looked? *sighs*

Levi starts to fidget and eventually wakes up. He glances at Y/N staring at him and pulls her in closer.

Levi: Good Morning *kisses Y/N on the forehead* You're up early...

Y/N: Yeah, I did wake up earlier than usual. My head is killing me. I think we drank too much wine haha.

Levi: *chuckles* Yeah maybe. I've got a headache too. We should probably get ready and meet the others for breakfast. Y/N.. Are you feeling ok? We did a lot last night, I hope it wasn't too much.

Y/N started to laugh and pulled him in for a kiss, "No Levi, last night was amazing. But I might be limping for the day so if anyone asks, I fell in my heels. I don't know what the hell was up with us. Last night was crazy...". Levi chuckled and starts to get up and gather some uniforms out for the both of them, "I don't know what was wrong with us either but I'm not complaining.". They both chuckle together as they get ready for the day and head down for breakfast.


Levi and Y/N walk into the dining hall together.


While Hange was energetic and loud, everyone else on the other hand looked like complete shit. Nanaba had her head down on the table groaning in pain; while Moblit and Miche were dozing off.

Levi: Tch... it's too early for your nonsensical noise. Pipe down four eyes, I have a headache..

Hange: Whatever shorty Haha. Anyways Y/N, how ya feeling? Because oh boy... you're walking, oops I mean limping like you had lots of fun last night.

Y/N giggles and smiles at Hange. As they walk over to their seats, Y/N notices everyone was hungover in the dining hall. She also noticed that as they were walking in, so many eyes were on both her and Levi.

Y/N: What the fuck is everyone staring at? I know I'm limping and all but geez...

Levi: *snickers* You don't remember?

Y/N: Remember what Levi? Spit it out...

Levi: Last night when everyone was coming in from the event. You were  screaming in the halls about me fucking you and my voice turning you on and you being horny. You also were visibly sucking on my neck and moaning.

Y/N froze and slams her head on the table in embarrasment as everyone laughs. Hange starts to playfully rub her back, "It's ok Y/N, I'm pretty sure I did the same thing too. Well... I yell crazy things all the time."

Moblit: Yeah you do .. And you don't even need to be drunk to do it either.

They all laugh together again. Nanaba starts to slowly get up and groans in pain, "I'm glad you all enjoyed yourselves, I was busy taking care of and cleaning up Miche's puke... in my office!".

Levi and Hange: That's disgusting.

Miche: Ugh.. I owe you Nanaba, but please don't talk about it though..

Nanaba rolls her eyes and sticks up her middle finger at him, "Anyways, it seems like you two had a lot of fun last night huh? Also, Y/N, can I pull you over here a sec. I wanna ask you something."

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