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It's been 3 days so far and EVERYONE has been going and coming in and out of Levi's office for Y/N. Everyone walks in unannounced startling them both. Everyone's constantly bringing food, they come in playing games and they usually come in whenever there was downtime, so it was usually unexpected. Levi was getting annoyed as always but it didn't bother Y/N. Although they both had to be cautious when kissing and touching incase anyone walked in.


It was lunchtime and as always everyone was setting up lunch in the office. Y/N and Levi were bickering in the room. Everyone started to laugh.

Miche: Here we go again.. Like old times...

They both storm out the room together.

Y/N: UGHHH Levi, just leave it alone, okay?!

Levi: No. You need to grow up Y/N... All you had to do was put the tip in. Wet it first and then stick it in. I don't see the issue here.

Y/N: I don't wanna... I'm scared.

Levi: I don't give a shit... It's dirty Y/N. It's sticky inside.. and it's disgusting.

Y/N: Yeah but you enjoy doing it, so you should do it not me. I don't understand why it being so sticky and dirty bothers you so much anyways...and I don't like the feeling when you put it inside me wet.

Levi: Would you rather it be dry? That's going to be painful Y/N and it wont go inside you as smoothly. Tch...Grow up. You're doing it later yourself and I don't want to hear a sound coming from you...

Y/N sticks her tongue out at him while he rolls his eyes at her. Everyone paused and just stared at them with a disgusted look on their faces.

Miche: Okay... um, What in the fuck were you two arguing about?

Levi: Tch... Y/N doesn't know what it means to clean her own fucking ears with a Q-tip...disgusting.

Y/N: Oh shut it clean freak...

Everybody: Oh... *sighs in relief and starts laughing loudly*

Hange: Well, now that everyone's mind is out the gutter, Let's eat!

They all sat together and ate lunch, and laughed and talked amongst eachother. Y/N still didn't have that conversation with girls about Levi yet. She wanted the timing to be right. Luckily they didn't pry although they do have their moments.


Moblit: Whewww... I am stuffed! That was delicious. Commander Erwin is the best for this!

Miche: Seriously... I'm gonna gain some serious weight!

Y/N: Hey everyone remind me again. When is that event the King is suppose to throw for us? I heard it was pushed back some because they wanted the walls more stabilized.

Nanaba: The event is in 3 weeks. Which reminds me that we should all plan to go to town soon to go shopping.


Y/N laughs, "Yes sounds like a plan!".

Moblit: Aren't we suppose to be going with dates? It is a black tie event...

Hange: Well that's no problem, cause your gonna be with me baby! * She then wraps her arm around Moblit and playfully kisses him on the cheek as he blushes*

Nanaba: I'm stuck with the idiot to my left.

Miche: *snickers* Great can't wait...

Nanaba: *rolls eyes* And I think you two should go together, obviously...

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