CHAPTER 15 🍋🍋🍋

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Levi: Yeah that's right Y/N. I want this place spotless.

Y/N: Mmmcht... *rolls eyes*

As punishment for Y/N breaking into Levi's office and for giving him head during a meeting, Levi decided that she needed to be the one to clean everything up. Not only where they fucked but every inch of his entire office. Y/N complied because she felt guilty for sneaking in. Levi is laying on the couch with his feet up, sipping tea and filling out paper work while Y/N is on her hands and knees scrubbing down the desk and floors. He glanced at her for a second and starts to snicker.

Y/N: I'm glad you find this funny Levi.. Do I really have to clean the entire office I mean we were only in this one area. Why the fuck should I-

Levi: Clean everything Y/N.

She sighed and continued cleaning the floors with a slight attitude.

Levi: You know Y/N... I like seeing you like this. You on your hands and knees... with your back arched... just scrubbing away..

Y/N: Oh shut up Levi!

Levi: *chuckles*

Y/N: Hey Levi, So I didn't hear it all the way through and I'm sure Erwin's going to tell me eventually ... but what was this event he mentioned earlier?

Levi: Apparently the King and dumbass minions want to celebrate us reclaiming Wall Maria. This is all for show. The higher ups hate The Scouts and the people think that their tax dollars are being wasted on our regiment. This event is so that the public can ease down on the complaints to the King. Tch... they don't give a damn about us.

Y/N: Damn, you must really hate them...

Levi: They're just shady as hell to me is all and Erwin loves to kiss their ass. I really don't even want to bothered but we have to go. I don't feel like dressing up for this shit show.

Y/N: Dressing up? You mean suit and tie and dresses and gowns and heels?

Levi: Yes Y/N, This is an event thrown by the King, not a party at some sketchy pub with sketchy ass perverts.

Y/N then playfully gives Levi the middle finger as she continues scrubbing, "Well then I'll have to go shopping and drag Hange and Nanaba with me. I know nothing about this girly stuff." she sighed. Levi looks up from his paperwork and stares at her, he didn't respond to her. She continued, "...heels? A dress? This is so out of my comfort zone. I haven't had to dress up like this since..." , suddenly she froze in place and her eyes got wide and her breathing hitched a little.

Levi: Y/N? Whats wrong, are you okay? Whats-

Y/N: I'm good! Ahahahaha... I'm ok...I-I-I just had a moment, lost my train of thought.

Levi: *sighs in relief*  Right... You know Y/N, *he paused* I wouldn't mind seeing you in a dress. I think you'd look beautiful.

Y/N glanced at Levi and stared for a moment in shock. His comment knocked away the negativity that was flowing in her head. She then giggled and laughed, "Oh Levi cut it with the sappy flirty shit haha... you can't get to me Ackerman!", She smiled. Levi held a small smile but knew that something was off. Something just triggered her but he had no idea what. Now that he thinks about it... Y/N gave little to no information about her past life or her family. Not even her bestfriends knew much. Something was definitely off to Levi. How strange...

Y/N finally finishes cleaning and sits down with Levi on the couch. She puts her feet up and throws her head back in relaxation with her eyes closed. Levi stares at her in admiration, Damn she's gorgeous. I just wish she could see what I see...

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