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Y/N woke up early and started to quickly dress herself for the meeting with Erwin. She was very quiet so that Levi would stay asleep until she came back. As Y/N was getting ready, she felt in immense pain in her chest. She had a gut feeling something was wrong.


*Knock Knock Knock*

Y/N: Captain Y/N L/N , arriving here for our meeting.

Erwin: Yes come in Captain.

Y/N opened the door and saluted Erwin. She noticed that his face was more stern than usual. Oh no...

Erwin: At ease Captain, Take a seat please.

Y/N shut the door and took a seat on the chair in front of his desk. There was an awkward, uncomfortable silence.

Erwin: Y/N, I uh... I don't know how to bring this up lightly...

Y/N gulped and her eyes widened. Erwin inhaled deeply and sighed," So... I got a notice from the Nile Dawk, head commander of the Military Police brigade. They are conducting a full scale investigation on you.". Y/N gasped," BUT WHY!? I haven't done anything!!! I swear Commander! Please, what's this about!? Why?".

Erwin: I don't know what brought this out. I didn't request this. I know about you and your past. But I'm assuming that the Military police are investigating into that. I don't know why and again, this is not my decision. I have no control over this.

Y/N was frozen and trembling with tears in her eyes, " This can't be happening.... I .. I...". Erwin sighed, he knows this is wrong and that something was very fishy about the situation.

Erwin: Keep this between us and I don't mean to be biased but... just know that whatever happens, I am on your side Y/N. Now I don't know how long this investigation will take. I assume give or take 2-3 days. I will let you know as soon as I get an update.

Y/N couldn't speak she just slowly nodded her head and trembled.

Erwin: Alright Captain, you are dismissed. Again I will keep you updated.

Y/N nodded again, saluted and quickly walked out off Erwin's office. She walked faster and faster down the halls to quickly get to her room.

As soon as she arrived she slammed the door wide open and ran into Levi's arms sobbing and trembling in tears, "LEVI!!".

Levi panicked, "BABE WHAT'S WRONG? OK, OK WAIT A SECOND.... BREATHE... Y/N breathe.. Calm down babe, breathe...". Y/N was still trembling but took a few deep breathes with Levi and eventually calmed down. He rocked her back and forth, kissing her forehead as she quietly cried in his arms. He needed her to calm down before telling him what happened. Levi whispered as she cried, "Whatever happens Y/N, I'm right here okay? I love you.". She nodded. He held her tighter and kissed her head again. Eventually Y/N was relaxed enough to speak.

Y/N: Levi... I... I .. *sniffles*

Levi: Take your time...breathe.... *kisses her head*

Y/N: During my meeting, Erwin told me that the Military police launched an investigation on me... Erwin said he wasn't sure why and that he didn't request this.. I .. I don't know why and neither does he but it might be because of my past. But Levi, I haven't done anything! I'm not a bad person. I was just trying to be strong Levi...

Levi froze, he was shocked and held her tighter, "I don't understand why... Why the fuck would they do this!? I need to do something about this I-"

Y/N: Levi... Erwin said the investigation would probably take 2-3 days and that he'd keep me updated. He said whatever happens, he'll be on my side...

Levi: That shit doesn't help the situation get any better nor does it answer any fucking questions! The fuck are those words suppose to do! SHIT...

Y/N started to softly cry again as Levi rocked her back and forth to try and calm her down again. Levi was at a loss, What can I do? Shit.... I have to do something about this...

After a couple of hours they went to Hange's office and had everyone gather there and updated them on what happened. Y/N was still tightly holding onto Levi in his arms and softly crying.

Nanaba: WHAT?! No .. No no no no no... Something's not right...

Hange: This makes no fucking sense ... at all. What the fuck!?!

Moblit: We need to look into this.. Something's fishy...

Miche: If anything Y/N, everyone here in this room is on your side and has your back. We know you, and we're here with you. Okay?

Y/N nods as Levi continues to hold her tightly and rub her back.

Levi: I have to do something about this...

Nanaba: Whatever you plan to do Levi, please please please, count us all in... 100 percent... No if ands or buts, alright?

Levi nods and clutches onto Y/N even tighter.

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