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It was a new day and today's training consisted of ODM practice with the cadets. Levi and Y/N were standing together in one of the larger trees while watching and observing each cadet as they fly through laps and obstacles.

Levi: *shouting towards the cadets* Keep in mind everyone, in order to make the best use of your ODM gear, you need to grasp the concept of performing consecutive quick leaps repeatedly and accelerating at extremely high speeds.

Y/N: Also be sure to keep steady in your mind to make use of the force of acceleration. If you fall, that is okay. It is good to familiarize yourself with the shock of landing!


Although they were always together due to being in the same squad, Levi and Y/N haven't really communicated much with one another. Days went by and Y/N was getting irritated. Why isn't this man talking to me? I feel so frustrated. Why is this even bothering me so much? We had sex, big deal. I need to make this right. We're squad partners for crying out loud... Y/N then took a deep breath to prepare herself. She didn't feel like she should snap at Levi if he says something snarky.

" *clears throat* Hey um, so Levi...?". He turns to face her with a cold stare, "What?". 

Y/N was shocked, why the hell was he so pissed? , "I was wondering.. well... I wanted to talk to you. Can we meet in your office after training?". Levi looked at Y/N up and down before turning his eyes away from her, "No I'm busy.".

Y/N's mouth dropped, "Um, okay.. Rude ass..." , Oops.. I didn't mean to say that out loud, fuck, Y/N thought. Levi looked at her again, rolled his eyes and used his gear to fly somewhere else. At this point Y/N wasn't even upset anymore, she felt so guilty but had no solid reason as to why she should feel so guilty. She stood in the same spot stunned. I am going to get him to talk if it's the last thing I do!


It's the evening and everyone was getting ready for bed. After Y/N showered, let her hair down and read a few chapters of her book, she found herself unable to sleep. All she could think about was Levi. Why? Why did we have to fuck eachother? Why is he being so weird? Or maybe fucked me just to spite me!? Does he think he can go and fuck me, then toss me out like a piece of garbage for his own pleasure!?

Y/N screamed into her pillow. FUCK IT... She decided it was time to pay Levi a surprise visit. She quickly stormed out and walked down the hall to Levi's door.


Levi slowly opened the door looking as aggravated as ever. Before he could even let a word out, she pushed herself inside, grabbed his arm, pulled him away from the door, and then slammed the door shut and locking it.

Levi: TCH... I told you I was busy. Get out... it's 11:30 at night, you should be slee--


Levi: Y/N.. You wanna watch how the fuck you talk to me?

Y/N: NO NO NO NO, because what gives you the right, the audacity to sit there and have a good ol time fucking the shit out of me and then tossing me aside and being cold to me. You think you can do that and get away with me not saying anything forever?

Levi was as calm as ever... just staring at her with no emotion what so ever. Levi sighed, "Well.. What do you want Y/N?".

Y/N: ...what?


Y/N: I...I don't know... I..

Levi: You really don't know?

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