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Everyone finally makes it back to base. They quietly sneak in and all look at eachother and nod. They each then went to their rooms to shower and change. They then swiftly met back up in Levi's office. Once they were all gathered, they sat altogether and sighed in relief.

Hange: So I say we all go to Commander Erwin at the ass-crack of dawn and as soon as he steps foot in of office. We tell him everything and I mean everything. We have to be completely transparent if this is going to work.

Moblit: Agreed. Then he can guide us on how to move forward so that we can take this to court and eventually place the entire regiment on trial.

Miche: Yeah agreed.

Nanaba: Agreed. This is a really big deal so we have to do this the right way.

Levi: Everyone... I just want to say.. Um... Thank you. I don't know what I wouldv'e done without you all.

Everyone smiles and nods. Tears fell from Y/N's face and everyone looked at her. Levi then wrapped his arm around her and held her tight.

Y/N: I love you guys so much. I know this whole thing was to end the corruption within the police but-

Hange: We did it for you too..

Moblit: Seriously...

Miche: They fucked up big time when they involved you.

Y/N: Thank you everyone.... Kicking Alizon's ass felt so damn good.

Nanaba: Oh yeah... I could tell, and I enjoyed every second of it!

Everyone: Hell yeah...

Moblit: Y/N you were bad-ass!!

Miche: Moblit, you were a bad-ass yourself...didn't know you had that in you!

Hange: Ha! Moblit may be my little cinnamon roll but he's with the Scouts and top ranked alongside me for a damn good reason!

Moblit smiled and blushed as Hange hugged him tight. Y/N laughed as Levi held her tight and she quietly cried happy tears.


After an hour of planning and discussion, they all left to get some rest before the next day. Y/N and Levi were cuddling in bed together wide awake. They both couldn't sleep. Y/N cried silent tears and tightly clutched onto Levi. He glanced at her, slowly sat up, and gently propped her up closer to his body.

Y/N: You know Levi... I... I'm little grateful for being paralyzed in that cell...

He looked down at her confused.

Y/N: If I was able to move... I think... I would've ended it all right there. I would've killed myself and instantly regretted it.. And never would have been able to be by your side ever again... I don't want to ever lose you.. *sniffles* I'm sorry....

Levi took a deep breath as tears came out his eyes. He clutched onto her extremely tight and kissed her head, "Y/N, you are here with me right here and right now. That's what matters. I'm right here with you as well. I told you I can be strong for you. I will carry your burdens and fight for as many times as I need to. I am not losing you. I love you so much Y/N and I will do anything for you. So please, tell me... What do you want?"

Y/N: I want to spend the rest of life living and breathing. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want you. I want all of you. I... I love you Levi.

They then deeply look into eachother's eyes and passionately shared a fiery slow kiss with eachother as tears fell from their faces.


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