Chapter 1- Eerie encounter

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-Parker POV-

   Through the drowning sounds of people chewing and teenagers screaming I listen to my friends Zane and Alex talking about a party at a rival school. Not caring to listen about this party I get up and walk out of the cafeteria out to the football field outside

       They don't even ask about it anymore when I just leave. They both know I hate being near people. Brings out the worst in me.

    Somethings you need to know about me is I don't speak much to other people others than my friends. You can say I'm the quite "shy" kid. Some even go as far as to calling me a nerd. WHICH IM NOT BTW. 

When I reach the stands someone had already bet me to it. A girl, specifically jaylen Argent. The only reason I know her name is because you know who doesn't?

      She's the certified bad ass of the school. Lots of rumors float around about her and her click. I don't know if any of them are true though. She is quite intimidating, I'll give them that. She noticed me staring at her.

      I scream internally "omg is she going to murder me" she walked my way not even looking or noticing me. At least she didn't stare into my soul right?

     As she walks by I hear the bell signaling that the first bell has rang meaning I have to get to class. Running to math class I trip  and fall. Only to see a pair of black doc martens standing in front of me.

     Looking up I see jaylen looking at me. She says something I can't hear. I look at her and say "huh?". She looks at me bored with her grey eyes.

      She spoke "you're in my way". As she steps over me I try getting up but fail miserably. I felt a pair of arms grabbing me holding me up. Jesus how much do you think they lift?? 250? I look back to see who was holding me up and it was her. Surprised I managed to get out a "thanks"

She looks at me and said something I probably should have expected "next time tie your shoes properly." She reaches down and ties both of my shoes with double knots.

      She gets up looking at me, smirks and walks away once more.  She really help me? Did she help me? I mean yea she tied my shoes that's about it right? Or is she preparing to murder me in my sleep. OMG SHES MARINATING ME. Ok ok maybe I'm over exaggerating.


      I walk into my class 10 minutes later still thinking about that Eerie encounter with jaylen. I try my best and block it out by writing my notes and working on my assignments. And the question on the day came up. What was she doing at the stands anyway?

A/N: this is the first chapter of this book I have never written a story in my life so plz do give feed back so I can make my writing better. Don't forget to vote and comment!!!

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