Chapter 25- lorain

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-jaylen Pov-

Since we left the building Parker has been quite. He hasn't said a word and I don't like it. I love Parker the way he is I obviously do don't tell him I said that.

But I oddly find this persona that he has attractive. Really attractive. I'm looking at him drive right now and fuck. The way the blood drips down his face to his neck down his shirt drives me crazy.

Holy fuck. The way his voice goes deep all of a sudden without warning makes me want to slam him agains a wall and let him fuck the shit out of me.

Yea yea but I'm not going to drop the fact that he has or had a sister and didn't tell me. How he just all of a sudden had the nerve to stand up against my dad.

Which has rarely ever happened. No one messed with my dad for a reason and I hope Parker doesn't find out. Breaking the silence I ask "where is your sister right now?"

Parker looks at me for a second and grips the wheel hard. He eventually answers "6 feet deep in a Swedish cemetery"

I feel terrible now that I asked. "I was going to tell you when the time was right" he said this while he looked in the rear view at my dad and Thomas .

Signaling that he was upset my dad outed him and made him tell me that his sister was dead. God my family can be terrible at times. I'm going to talk to them both about boundaries right after I talk to Parker.

The silence was killing me. I wanted to ask how she died and why he didn't live in Sweden anymore. "I know what you're thinking. Ask away" this boy can read me like a book.

I have yet to decide if it's a good thing or a bad thing. "How did she die" he continues driving in silence as he pieces together and answer "10 years ago my mother met a man, she fell head over heels for him even tho she was already happily married. Note the sarcasm"

I look at him as he pauses. I don't want to push him if he doesn't want to tell me. I was about to tell him this but he continues "she hired men to break into our home and scare the man she married away, but things didn't go as planned. He fought back and multiple shots were fired. Stray bullets everywhere. No one was supposed to get hurt. But someone did and it was her and him."

He looks at me with tears threatening to pour out of his eyes "the man that she murdered was my father." I look at him with confusion and shook. So that would mean- "Gabriel is the man she fell in love with. She got the man of her dreams but it only came at a great costs... it costed her Lorains life, my sanity, and her own marriage."

Now I didn't see that coming. Gabriel is not Parker's biological father.

Alana indirectly killed her own family and she had the audacity to threaten me to stay way from Parker after she herself ruined him. Fuck her. I'll ruin him my ass.

His future was already fucked up when I met him. His past speaks for itself. I know what I am and I know what I do for my father but Alana is more of a monster than me. She herself allowed Gabriel to pull the trigger on her family.

what does Parker mean by his own sanity. I turn to him and ask "what do you mean by your own sanity" the car comes to a stop and I noticed that we are now at my house in the driveway.

But on one moves because we want answers only Parker can give. We want to hear what he has to say and he wants us to listen. "She made me do things. Things a child that age shouldn't do... after the funeral Gabriel gathered the men my mother hired. He put a gun to my hands and made me pull the trigger. I ended three men's lives with bullets that were meant for was supposed to be me not her.That day everything changed. I wasn't the same and Alana saw that."

I put my hand on his to reassure him it was ok if he didn't want to continue. Parker takes a deep breath and keeps talking "I had days where I would black out and not remember a thing. I wouldn't remember what I did that day but as far as anyone saw I was fine. No one noticed my absence at home or at school because I was physically there just not mentally"

I feel as Parker tightens his hand around me and I don't complain because I know he needs to talk and I'm here.

"My mom took me to a physiatrist and I was diagnosed with DID among other things." He let's my hand go and pulls away. He was diagnosed with DID.

Ok that does explain his change in demeanor sometimes but i don't understand. This time my dad speaks " there's no record of you before middle school Parker why is that" Parker looks at him through the mirror and said "that's because I didn't exist. After what happened Gabriel got rid of everything and made sure I was never found. The men my mother hired worked for a powerful man and she couldn't hide me from him. She then moved us here and changed my name." My dad nods ok with the answer but my brother seems on the fence about this.

I nod and start to get out of the car. I walk to Parkers side and open the door "get out" he looks confused but I can't care less. When he gets out I pull us both up the stairs into the house with thomas and dad in tow

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