Chapter 47- her first

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-jaylen POV-

      I started to feel sick at the mall  so Thomas got me a Uber and took me home. He insisted on going to get Alex's mom so she can see me. I honestly don't understand really why Parker is mad but it's whatever he'll get over it.

     It's not like we were dating when we hooked up with that girl. It wasn't anything to me and it shouldn't be anything to him.

      I had closed my eyes to rest but was awoken by a sound of glass dropping on the floor. Dammit Thomas. I get up and start making my way down the stairs. But he's not here. Weird. I call out to him but he doesn't answer.

     Oh my god realization hits me as I run up the stairs into my room. Fuck fuck fuck. I reach my phone and call Thomas but he doesn't answer. No no no.

     I hear a person banging on the door and hard. I call Parker but he doesn't answer. Not a good time to be ignoring me Parker. I call him again and again till he picks up. I hear him on the other side of the phone asking me what's wrong. But I can't answer him because the door is forced open by a man.

     Time to put my training to good use. He runs at me trying to get at me. I swing my right arm faking it and hitting him with my left. 

     He blocks my hits with his hands. In the corner of my eye i see movement. I see it to late. Fuck I can't do this. I bolt to the door and try running downstairs. But I'm to slow. One of the men push me downstairs making me fall.

     My baby. My hands instinctively wrap around my stomach. The men are now towering over me repeatedly hitting me. I hear the door open but I can't see who it is.

     My vision blurs as I reach down and see blood on my hands. This can't happen. With all my strength I get up and see Parker being pushed way from me. I struggle to get up but I do. I rush to the gun under the stand besides the sofa but I'm to late.

       One of the men look at me while holding Parker on his knees pointing a gun to his head. Omg no.

     I start to feel groggy and weak. I can't let this happen to Parker. With all the energy I have left I start to drag myself to the stand but I can't. One of the men kicked me in the stomach again and again.

     He speaks in a low voice "we can't have a kid with the blood of an argent and the eyes of a Everett can we?" He Kicks me again making me fall to the ground. What does he mean. Parker isn't a danger I am.

     He forced me down as Parker watches him in horror getting a kitchen knife. I yell at the top of my lungs before my voice gives out.

     He grabs the kitchen knife and puts it to my throat. I look at Parker what what seems to be the last time. "I'm sorry" as I finish saying it the man slits my throat and my vision goes black.


-Parker's pov-

   Where tf is chase when you need him. I watch in terror as the man slits jaylens throat with a kitchen knife. He turns to me "now I'm going to rip the bastard child out of her and you're going to watch"

      I try to free my hands from the mans grip but I can't. Now I have to watch as this person cuts open jaylens stomach. Tears flood my eyes as he reaches in and covers his hands in her blood.

     I shut my eyes tightly to stop myself from seeing the love of my life bleeding out on the floor.

    I feel a shooting pain in my right side. I look down to see that I'm bleeding. "Theres no one that's going to save you Parker. Say your last goodbyes" he points the gun to my chest and shoots.

       Dropping on the ground they leave us on the floor bleeding out with jaylen choking on her own blood. My vision blurs and my ears start to ring. Please. Stay don't go Jaylen.

     My vision goes dark as memories from the day Lorain died came flooding back...

"LORI RUN" I try to yell at her to leave as the masked men pin down my father. But she doesn't get far. Lori don't hurt her. I see as one of the men points his gun at her and shoots. No no no Lori not her. Alana yells in pain as her daughter is shot. Fake pain. It was all fake a ploy to get rid of my father.

End of flashback

      I open my eyes and remember what just happened. This can't Happen to jaylen I won't let it happen. Dragging myself on the floor I reach her and she's still breathing but slightly. Her breaths grow father and farther apart.

      I have no time to think about this or what happened to my baby I just need her to be ok. I grab a near by cloth and cover the slash on her throat with it. I need to get her to a hospital. There's no time to call an ambulance.

       Mustering all the left over strength I have I pick her up bridal style and rush her to my car.
    Blood dripping every step I take. The blood being a mix of mine and hers. Getting her in the car I speed off to the hospital.

      I'm in so much pain. Both physically and mental pain. I can't I just can't. I need her to be safe. I shouldn't have ignored her. If I didn't ignore her maybe she would have stayed at the mall with us.

    Maybe I wouldn't have let her leave. Maybe she wouldn't be bleeding out in the passenger side of my car.
     Slowly but surely I reach the hospital falling out of the drivers side. Dragging myself to jaylens side and yelling for help. Last thing I see is people rushing to us.

     But I beg them to take care of her first. I need them to take care of her first. "Please, take care of her" that's the last thing I said before being consumed by the darkness.

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