Chapter 33- him

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-Thomas POV-

Jaylen went into surgery a while ago to fix the hole in her heart. And since then Parker hasn't moved out of his place with a blank expression on his face.

Alex who I assume is the friend we called has been by his side the whole time. Another kid walked in a while ago too. He just awkwardly stood there.

  I stand up straight and walk towards Parker. "Thank you" normally I don't thank people but this boy did after all save jaylens life. I owe him but he doesn't need to know that. He just nods and says "I know she'd do it for me" I agreed she would in a heartbeat.

I sighed and went to go check on my dad. I know for a fact it breaks him to see Jaylen sick again. After all we went through to try and fix her only for her to fall again. I walk towards him and before I could speak he says "don't say anything just stay here" I nod. He just wants company and that's what I need too.

Hours have passed and Jaylen is finally out of surgery. Dr.rain has reassured Parker that the baby is fine and so is jaylen.

She's a little loopy and is currently messing with Parker. I smile as Parker tries giving her jello but she refuses. "Come on just eat the damn jello"

she keeps shaking her head and Parker whispers something in her ear so only she can hear it. She turns red and turns to Parker. "don't play with me like that Parker" he was probably referring to something sexual. I'll definitely be talking to him alone soon.


I watch as Parker kisses jaylens sleeping cheek and walks out of the room saying he'll be back. This is my chance to go have a conversation with him. I walk out of the hospital only to find him leaning on his car with a cigarette in between his fingers. "Are you old enough to be smoking?"

He looked as if he just got caught stealing a cookie. He mutters something I can't hear. "I don't mind as long as it's not around her not now at least." He holds his box to me and offers me a cigarette which I take. It's been a while and I clearly need it.

I lean on the car just like Parker is and start talking "since my dad is going through a lot right now I'm going to give you the talk instead" Parker looks at me and nods like he was expecting this. "What really attracted you to jaylen"

I've been wondering this whole time and I need to know. He shrugged and says "I don't know actually. It's the little things I guess." I nodded and moved on to my next question "when did you realize you liked her" he looked down and was deep in thought.

  "She was so persistent on having me that I was just kinda thrown into her world you know . Everyone sees Jaylen as a cold hearted bitch with serious issues, but me? I just see a girl that enjoys arcades and cared for me when no one else did."

Ok I'm not understanding is he just with her because she makes him feel special or something? "I know what you're thinking and it's not that." Parker shifts to his other foot taking the weight off himself.

He hesitates but eventually he elaborates "before i couldn't even be In the same room as her but now it's just like I want to be in that room with her. I fell for her slowly. She was winning me over and she knew it."

He still didn't answer my question. And I want a direct answer. "So when did it hit you that you fell for her even if you didn't mean to." He looks up at the stars and says "when she was the person I called when Gabriel beat the shit out of me. Out of every person I knew I called her and she came without questions. She sat with me and held me tight and didn't let go. That's when I knew I liked her. And the moment I knew I loved her was the day she refused to sleep with me till I got better mentally"

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